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Adverts again?


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Anyone crying foul over the ads needs to realize that, unless you contribute money to the site(s), there's nothing you can do about it. <snip> it's time to think less about yourself, and more about the guy whose bandwidth, and thus money, you're leeching from.


Stupid_dage, the following appertains to you as well.


Actually, I do contribute and signed up for Premium as soon as it became an option, way back when. As the OP I was merely asking a question because as I understood it, Premium members were not supposed to be getting the adverts and I wondered whether something had changed (in which case I would have accepted it, incidentally, much as I dislike ads) or whether there was a glitch (which was what really happened.)


As the OP who is baffled at the amount of vituperative remarks this is generating, and an OP who moreover strongly objects to being labelled as a leecher, may I politely request that a Moderator or Admin locks this thread, please?

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Hey ginny,


I think you'll find almost all the posts in this thread outside of the ones I've posted to you are not directed at you at all, so don't take offense!


It's true this thread got side-tracked a lot from it's original purpose so I'll lock it now. If people still want to complain about the ads they can make their own thread for it.


For what it's worth a major reason for the new ads being added to the site is to pay off a large bill for some new enterprise level backup solutions that have cost a small fortune to put in place but shall insure the safety of the data on all the Nexus sites for the future. Plus more :)


it's hard to understand when you're on the outside looking in, so just take my word that it's for the good, and the secure future, of the sites :)

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