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how do I fix neck seem on npc?


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I am running Enhanced Skyrim Facions - The Companions Guild by DreamKing followed byBijin Warmaidens by rxkx22. Only problem I have seen is on Aela, there is a neck seem that I do not know how to remove. I am guessing it's a weight issue but I do not know how to change that on npc's.

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Ignore the neck seam, or get Body Slide and fashion armors that match body type. The issue comes to play where there is a Head texture, a body texture and they aren't blended at the seam to look like one big texture. Further distortion from armors made for another body type. It helps to get a body type texture set that covers not only face/hands/feet/body but also tintmasks, spec maps, normal maps, and skin maps.


Good luck. :)

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