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Creating DLL's for SKSE

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I've always been more of a coder than anything else when it comes to development. I always liked that you could add DLL's to SKSE, so I wanted to give it a try, but I can't for the life of me find how to achieve this. I know how to create a DLL, I know C++, etc. I just don't know where to start with SKSE, and can't find any documentation on this anywhere either. If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great :ohmy:



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My google works fine :tongue:


I used this as a search:

SKSE creating plugins


Top of the list was:



Thank you!


Guess your google skills are better than mine because I legit couldn't find it. I googled for "Creating SKSE DLL" and stuff like that though. Not the word "plugin".

Anyway, thanks!

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@Unilythe - The same happened to me the first time I tried to find it months ago. If you try from an anonymous search engine like duckduckgo, it won't come back in any of the top results because google has 'learned' that 'normal' people are usually searching for how to install SKSE, not extend it. :)

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