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Slow Bartering


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Try the Mudcrab dealer, failing that, just store it, I've noticed there are at least 4 categories of items in Oblivion that though you can buy them (if you've enough money) the shopkeeper can't by them back, these are:

  1. Adamantium Armour.
  2. Ebony Armour and weapons.
  3. Glass Armour and weapons, and
  4. Deadric Armour and weapons.

The best thing I can suggest is to store them if possible, or if you have more than you need try to dispose of them - say in a tomb or such place. I have a great stack of Ebony Armour and weapons, Deadric Armour and weapons and glass armour and weapons; all this is over and above the stock of armour I need! You can either put it into the may barrels and crates lying about (don't let the guards see you do this) or even leave it in an empty building or on some spare ground, no-one will bother about it.

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