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Purple missing textures when using .bsa


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So like the name says. I am using OBMM to make the mod Crossbows of Cyrodiil into a .bsa file. I want to stay organized and easier to remove if i want. This may apply to other mods as well but I am using this one to troubleshoot the problem.

This thread is aimed not just to help me, but to help everyone having this problem.


I will go in depth and detail to see help solve this problem once and for all! anyone who wants to help please post because this is important to some people thanks!


A few things you should know about my setup:


-Windows 7 x64 Ultimate. AMD Processor, ATI Mobility Graphics, 2gb DDR2 RAM. (I dont know if this is relevant)


-Fresh Install of Oblivion Game of the Year Edition bought from Steam

-OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager)

-OBSE v19b (Oblivion Script Extender)

-Wrye Bash and Wrye Python library

-BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting Software)

-ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated!


I have installed these components many times before so I KNOW they are installed correctly.


So this is what I did when i got this problem. This is ALL I did:


I downloaded Crossbows of Cyrodiil.


When I extract the files into the Oblivion/Data folder it works great.


But when I make the .bsa choosing the correct folders, 'meshes' 'textures', and keeping correct structure it still doesn't seem to recognize the texture is there

and it comes up as a purple missing texture. Here are some screenshots


Screenshot 1 - First Person

Screenshot 2 - Un-drawn Weapon

Screenshot 3 - Drawn Weapon

Screenshot 4 - Merchant Menu



This is a list of things I have tried to fix the problem but with no success:


Click the links for screenshots of what I am doing!


-Installed 'ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated!' RESULT: Still Purple missing textures. Crashes when using Crossbow.

-Used OBMM to and ran Archive Invalidation. Chose 'BSA Redirection'.RESULT: Still missing textures. Crashes when using Crossbow.

-Used OBMM and ran Archive Invalidation. Chose 'BSA Alteration'. I thought I had to choose file types for this to work, so I only chose 'Textures' and 'Meshes' since these are the only ones Crossbows of Cyrodiil uses. Please correct me if I am wrong. RESULT: Still missing the textures. Crashes when using Crossbow.

-Used OBMM and ran Archive Invalidation Chose 'BSA Invalidation', also chose 'textures' and 'meshes' since these are the only folders Crossbows of Cyrodill uses. Again, please correct me if I am wrong in the choices I made. RESULT: The game now crashes when loading a saved game.

-Used OBMM ran Archive Invalidation. Chose 'Universal'. RESULT: Still missing textures. Crashes when using Crossbow.


- I also tried to 'Reset BSA Time Stamps' and made a new Crossbows of Cyrodill.bsa so it can be recognized as the latest one. Still, nothing.


- Used BOSS to sort my .esp files (aka plug-ins) but that didn't help.

- Used Wrye Bash, and created a Bashed Patch. Still nothing.


The only way it seems to work is if i extract the Archive files into the Oblivion/Data folder. I want to avoid doing that, that's why I took the time to make this thread.


If you would like to make corrections to what I did wrong please do so, it might help a lot and/or solve the problem.

All your help is greatly appreciated. Kudos for anyone willing to help out. just saying.







Q: Why do you want to make your mods into BSA files anyway?

A: Because when it comes to my computer files I like to keep VERY organized. It also seems easier to remove if i wish to do so.


Q: If it works when you extract the archive to your data folder, why bother trying to make a BSA?

A: Again, I like to keep very organized. I am aware of folder structure, thanks to myrmaad, but still, it just gives me that cluttered feeling.




I will keep you guys up to date on the results of my troubleshooting. thanks for reading.

Edited by Bongu
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The BSA you create has to be prefixed with a name of an active plugin. Any active plugin. I don't see anywhere in your post where you specifically state what you named the BSA. Maybe I missed where you stated that. Anyway... You should name it exactly as the ESP is named. Example: If the mod's proper name is "Crossbows of Cyrodiil.esp" you should name the BSA "Crossbows of Cyrodiil.bsa". Or you can always name your BSAs with the prefix "Oblivion - Mod name here.bsa" since Oblivion.esm must always be active to play the game. The second method, "Oblivion - Mod Name.bsa", is guaranteed to work if the BSA is packaged with the proper structure.


As an additional note; you should always use BSA Redirection, always.

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Also be aware that creating bsa files for all your mods will eventually reduce the amount of mods that you can install, as there is a limit of 255 data files that Oblivion can handle (esp and bsa).


Not only that, working on mods (editing / adding meshes and textures) is near impossible if your resources are all in bsa files.

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For ease of working with mods - removing adding and organizing - either OBMMs OMOD format or Wrye Bash BAIN format work well, and require much less work. Either has a single click uninstall that removes everything , and a single click reinstall that can put it all back in.
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Related to the OP's post, I found that some players computers were unable to read some of the BSA's that I created.


After triying different compression levels with different programs, I ended up using OBMM with no compression to create the BSA and complaints about purple textures pretty much stopped.

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thank you guys for your invaluable input.


Sorry i forgot to include that I did name the .bsa file the same name the .esp file is named. what i plan on doing right now is adding a lot of custom races into a .bsa and merging the .esp files into a single file. that should cut down on my .esp .bsa limit right?


also, i dont need to work with vanilla meshes, textures, sounds, or animations any more. i have extracted the .bsa files and and used replacer mods to replace vanilla defaults. so i no longer need to work with that. i did a total overhaul of vanilla files :thumbsup:


but now i want to install mods that add on. and i keep getting the same problem even with races. atm i am compression a .bsa to very high.


@Lanceor. I had used no compression before and it didnt work.


I will continue this post after i check......................



ok so naming it "Oblivion - Crossbows of Cyrodiil.bsa" didnt work. damn it! :wallbash:


there must be a way i could fix this. there has to be!

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Well, I can confirm that Crossbows Of Cyrodiil does work with the data files in a bsa, as you can see:







I downloaded it, extracted the contents to a temporary folder, placed the meshes and textures folder into a 'bsa' folder, so that the other files didn't get added to the bsa, created the bsa as Crossbows of Cyrodiil.bsa, then packaged the esp and bsa into an OMOD and installed it. Ran BOSS to order it correctly, and started the game. I went to Rhossan's shop, bought the crossbow and bolts, and there you are.

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i havent packed them into an omod. im gonna try that.
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could it possibly be because i have oblivion installed in a separate partition?




Well I am going to try to install it with my physical copy. maybe its because its on a separate partition and maybe on steam. I dont know, but its worth a shot. good thing im a big enough fan to own both :D but my discs only come with shivering isles and knights of the nine, i will just export from steam yay!




i will comeback and edit this some more if it works.

Edited by Bongu
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could it possibly be because i have oblivion installed in a separate partition?


If the location of Oblivion is where it was installed to, then the game should be able to find the data directory whereever it is. However, if you just moved it yourself to the other partition, then the game will not be aware of that.


In your oblivion.ini what is the contents of SArchiveList= ?

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