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Morrowind won't save..


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Well, basicly, I got morrowind a year ago, and could never get it to work, because the game won't save, When I try to save I get the error "Unable to complete operation due failure removing previous file. temp file remains." And yes, I have reinstalled the game 5 times. I'm running on vista.


Cheers, Mynameistooshort

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Try the compatibility options, remember, Morrowind came out around 8 years ago and was mainly for Windows 98Se! so try the compatibility for that, or for XP Home.

When I try to save I get the error "Unable to complete operation due failure removing previous file. temp file remains."

It may also be worth finding your temp file (probably C:\Windows\Temp) and deleting the Morrowind temp file there, send it to the recycle bin then delete it.


You programme should now save, according to the wording in that error.


Please remember Morrowind was made for Windows, so if you're tring to play it on X-box or similar you may have problems.

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Do you have mods installed? My problem is that once I get too many mods installed the game will no longer save. I haven't figured out how to fix that.


I haven't got any mods installed. I've only been able to play the game for 10 minutes in total.

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Morrowind saves are made to the root of Morrowind - that is C:\Bethesda\Morrowind, NOT to one of the libraries as in Oblivion.


A good thing to do here is to look at the following:

  1. Are you trying to play the game on anything other than a Windows computer?
  2. Are the specs within limits - by this I mean the game requirements - RAM, CPU and such?
  3. If the answer to 2 is yes and to 1 is no,(f the answer to 1 is yes, try loading Morrowind onto a Windows Computer) then I suggest you uninstall Morrowind, then clean your registry.

It's easy enough to do, first make a backup of the registry, then in the run box type regedit and go to the Edit menu, and click on Find.

I'm going to assume you have no other Bethesda games loaded, if that's the case just enter bethesda (case doesn't matter) and press run, it will find all keys relating to Bethesda, delete them all as it finds them. If however you do have other Bethsda games loaded, type in morrowind, again it will find all the keys relating to Morrowind, again delete them all.


If you have a good registry leaner you may want to run it after you've closed out of the registry, that may find any keys you missed, now re-load Morrowind and try again, see if it works now.

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No. 1: No

No. 2: Yes


But, I noticed, the saves aren't going there, the saves are going to C:/Users/[username]/appdata/local/virtual store/bethesda/morrowind/saves Might this be affecting it? I can't find the folder when I go there myself...

Edited by mynameistooshort
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To mynameistooshort.


I see you problems, you're looking in the wrong place! Morrowind saves are not in the

C:/Users/[username]/appdata/local/virtual store/bethesda/morrowind/saves

As I said, and assuming you're loading onto C Drive, you'll find them in the root folder of Morrowind.


The best way to tackle this is to look at the following: make a separate folder for all games (just title it games) on C drive, and load Morrowind in there. This stops that pesky UAC control interfering, and this may well be the cause of your not being able to save the game.


I got around that as my Morrowind copy is on a DIFFERENT drive altogether. Anyway you should be able to find the saves at this location - X:\Games\Bethesda\Morrowind (where X is the drive letter). Don't look in Roaming as they are just not there!

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Because Morrowind was not made for Windows 7 it seems you'll have to disable the UAC, but still maake a separate folder as I mentioned.


Go to Control Panel\Action Center\Change User Account Control settings (this last is in the side bar); it may be a good idea to move the slider to the bottom of the scaale - I know it says it's not recommended, but by the same token, you should be able to play the game now.


Also, if you have a spare hard drive or two it may be worth doing what I do, us C drive for the O/S and things like the printer and any other drivers, also for programmes like Java that MUST be on C drive. Use D drive for games and program files, and if possible use yet a third disk for all your personal data, like e-mail copies (those you can easily get from Roaming), and things like Microsoft Office files.


I use that layout because if the O/S goes down, at least I have all may other data safe. If you do this or not, it's still worth turning that UAC off, as it can really stop programmes, especially pre windows 7 and Vista programmes: (both Morrowind and Oblivion fall into this category).

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