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I was wondering if anyone could possibly make cats for New Vegas. Wild cats, irradiated, and even maybe a normal housecat would be nice :)
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I was actually thinking along those lines, while looking up on creatures mentioned in Fallout, cats are mentioned in almost every single one as something still around. So they would be lore friendly, same thing with igunanas.


A Panther Mentioned in Van Buren And Penny Arcade Comic

Iguana Mentioned in every Fallout but never seen.


Oh Theres tons more ideas and creatures that were meant for fallout in the "New Vegas Hunting Grounds" Thread.


Hopefully some will eventually be created and integrated into gameplay.

Edited by simplywayne90
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I find it strange that the creators failed to address much of the wildlife in the North American continent, there are any number of big cats that would fit the bill, for example America has by far the largest captive population of big cats in the world, ie Lion tiger and so forth, and then of course the domestic cat and its own native cats such has the puma, cats would be a great addition to the wasteland!
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I just looked it up. They were apparently all eaten. On the even more depressing side of thing...


"Some cats were possibly thrown into the FEV vats by the Master in Mariposa and the Vault-Tec scientists in Vault 87, together with humans, dogs and other animals. The misshapen centaurs are the result of this mix."


So there you have it. There are cats in the vanilla game, they're just horrible misshapen monsters!

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I want cute kitties though :P


Yes, I'm sure there are probably ghoulish cats, similar to the Yao Guai, running around, but I want a cat or at least cat-bot.

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I want cute kitties though :P


Yes, I'm sure there are probably ghoulish cats, similar to the Yao Guai, running around, but I want a cat or at least cat-bot.


Hmmm a new robotic animal companion huh? Maybe the panther from the penny arcade comic! =P

I'd love to see a Kit-10 robot, someone awhile back wanted to do the same with a raven or R.A.V.E.N or something like that.


So when you say cat do you mean like a 1 ft tall domestic, a bobcat which can be around the size of a kinda big dog, or something like a panther or lion?

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