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Mod Request - Reversed


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I guess i'll just go f*#@ myself, nobody has acknowledged any of my mod requests on this post or my posts. I have like 23 views but no replies. I'm not even asking for tough mods. The biggest thing i've asked for is a full-lore friendly remake of vanilla armors, and the next are just a couple of swords that I can't find on the nexus.

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itd be cool if you could forge a series of "epic" weapons that combine multiple unique items (dragon priest masks, azura's star, etc) into a single item, weapon or armor, with a combined or all new enhancment/enchantment ans an all new look

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So I went ahead and made Thranduil's Gauntlets as a test. I work in cinematics/trailers so baking this accurately will be a fun learning curve. But before I go any further I thought I'd let you guys see. Whaddayathink?


Hob: No need to get down in the dumps! we're all here for fun right? I'm happy to do what the forum wants most, I just thought LOTR would be generally well received :smile:


Nightinglaw: Oh Yeah I love Diablo 3's armor, especially the hunter. I'll earmarl that for later.

Zeb: Awe man that sounds super epic. A wee bit crazier than I was planning on though haha

Thanks again for all the input.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Works been busy! Long time between posts.

Not sure if anyone's still following this, but here's the Thranduils cuirass :D Took me a bit to get the proportions balanced between him and the Skyrim model. This is modelled to the largest body, am I correct in assuming I'll have to remodel it for the smaller body? Or does it scale it automatically? Anyway feedback would be awesome :D For push on with the pauldrons.


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Hey guys!


I'm a 3D artist on the hunt for some weapon or armour mods to make :smile:


I've had a look through and saw some interesting ideas but I'm not sure what the community would best benefit from. I'm open to just about anything at all but I'd love it to be something that a lot of people want. All I ask in return is some feedback :smile:


Honestly anything! You name it I'll do my best to make it.


Maybe you could make this shield I sketched here.




The game is sorely in need of a shield that better matches all the steel armor & weapons. I was going to get around to it using existing textures & meshes to make it a good match, but I am not a 3D artist. Ideally it would be a new shield, not a replacer.


I would like to be able to use it as the default shield for the guards in my mod, but I'm sure it would do even better as a standalone mod.

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Dunno if you're still taking request but could you please possibly make this outfit when you get the free time, it would look really cool for rogue/ thief type characters? I can supply you with more pictures of it if you need. Q_Q


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the ideas guys! Thats a cool cocept AstalSion, is it yours? Works been pretty crazy :smile: But here's and update of Thranduil if anyones still interested. This is on th largest Skyrim body so he looks a bit on the beeft side. Any comments and Critiques are welcome! Oh and I'll definitely look into make that sheild for you TD as soon as I get a chance :)



Edited by JamesHodgart
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For some reason even though I followed this topic it didn't notify me just so happened to look through the list and saw new post had been posted. The outfit concept I posted isn't mine but belongs to a game called Age of Wushu. They make outfits called lores that go over your armor in the game. That one is called Wind God Lore. The armor you're currently working on looks good so far can't wait to see it colored :o

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