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TES V, Mounts?


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While it would suck to not have mounted combat, I'd be perfectly ok if they didn't. I can imagine that it'd be a little bit of a tedious task when fighting out in the wild anyways. Remember that mounted knights typically only did mounted attacks in groups and usually slaughtered foes/targets in areas accessible to the horse. They'd dismount more than usually.
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I don't think they've released anything in detail on it. I think it said in the Game Informer article that they haven't gotten to mounts yet.


ya that is true, but i have seen a lot of info that the gi didnt release on here, so i have just been wondering. bc like, playing oblivion, i never use my horse jus because of 1, how slow hey are. and 2 how cheap they look hahaha.

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But your forgetting the ruthless efficiency of mounted archers. It's really annoying you can't even fire a bow from your horse.


In Oblivion horses are useless. Not only can you eventually run faster than them you have to dismount every time some annoying npc decides to attack you. They just become a cumbersome RP mechanic.

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Mount and Blade is an example of what is possible. I recall the thrill of being able to fight on horseback. By all means let us have archers, dismountable warrriors and knight class warriors. The horses of Oblivion were a disapointment Skyrim can only improve.



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If there are any mounts at all, I hope they make sense in regards to lore. Please don't try to flirt with the WoW crowd by having all kinds of insane flying mounts, because there are oh so few flying creatures in the ES lore that would actually carry people. Perhaps Winged Twilights, Daedra Seducers or very large Cliff Racers could, but they'd most likely try to eat your face than let you fly around with them.
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I agree completely GL. I think if they gave mounts at least the ability to carry items in purchasable side saddles it would make more sense. I don't want to ride on a dragon or cliff racer. I just want a horse that functions like I would a real horse, utility and not just visual fluff.
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I'm along with using mounts to help with storage. As long as the mounted combat isn't some big, cumbersome system on its own, I'd be fine with it. Simply being able to fire a bow from horseback would be nice.
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