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TES V, Mounts?


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... with skimpy dressed females played by adolescent teen boys, sweat dripping from their pimple infested forheads while they masturbate furiously to their character dance. "role playing what is that? does it have l33wt or big breasts?"


Hate to break it to you but there's plenty of mature adult gamers out there who enjoy skimpy dressed females runnin around our game worldz, even ones who have extensive experience roleplaying and acting... myself included :thumbsup:


For any matter. There's dragons in the game. If there are horses, there should be no problem modding in ride-able dragons for those who want them.

Edited by Fatalmasterpiece
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i see, so you want to act out a life as a skimpy dressed female then? please.. I'm not saying you can't or should not do that, but don't try and defend it by saying your sex life does not factor into it. thats pretty much the only reason.


2 Strikes issued for flamming and trolling in a single post.


edit: wat? how was i trolling... is disbelief in what someone says flaming/trolling?... sheesh

Edited by TrexTitan
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i see, so you want to act out a life as a skimpy dressed female then? please.. I'm not saying you can't or should not do that, but don't try and defend it by saying your sex life does not factor into it. thats pretty much the only reason.



Might I suggest not going off-topic?


Judging by the availability of mounts that you can ride in Oblivion added by mods, I'd dare to say it'd be simple for a knowledgeable modeler to alter vanilla models to be ridable.

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In The Infernal City:


Prince Attrebus Mede and Sul meets with a group of Khajiits, and they are riding on mounts. It seems these mounts are also Khajiits, but another type. (If I remember correctly, they can even talk.


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Would have liked to see mounts of some skyrim exclusive fauna. maybe not mammoths but surly there are other domesticated or suitable wildlife? As long as it is not predator mounts.. those are just unrealistic, save huge domesticated wolves.. which i suppose are feasible.
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I just hope for more realistic horses, ones that differentiate in height, length, and width. However most importantly i want mounted combat, it would bring so much more to the game to be ab;e to charge through a small village slaughtering people from atop your horse :P. Still i think the devs could find a way to train/use a spell to make mammoths, sabertooth cats, and other wildlife mountable.
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