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Need help with first armor mod. (Custom Model)

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So, I've been wanting to make a custom clothing, just using some pieces from the existing clothing in the game. A couple hours of nifskope and blender tutorials later, I've got a first draft of the model, I bring it into the geck to give it a test run, and my armor appears as nothing but a geometry monster that sticks to the top of the viewport.



How I tried to make this outfit was using two vanilla outfits. The Pre-War Spring Outfit and the shirtless Powderganger armor with the dynamite.


Using Blender, because I had to, I deleted parts of the outfits that I couldn't just delete in Nifskope because they were connected to larger parts of the mesh. The Spring outfit has the pants and shirt connected, and the PG outfit has the shorts and dynamite connected, and coincidentally, I needed to get rid of just the dynamite of the PG outfit, and just the pants of the spring outfit


Then, I combined the two meshes using a tutorial on the nexus. It looks fine in Nifskope/blender, but it's completely broken in the geck, and Im assuming the game.


I'm assuming I screwed up from the start in Blender, but I just as easily could have done something wrong in NIFskope.


Any advice?

(I had some images showing all my meshes in blender/nifskope, but apparently these forums don't allow photobucket links)

Edited by Radioactivelad
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Well thank you Luth, I've attached the file to the OP.


did you rename the nif parts when you added the new pieces into nifskope? If you have pieces named bonetwist bla bla bla it'll crash.

No I hadn't, guess I should try that. However, I also tried bringing in the uncombined armor "sections" in to the geck, the ones with pieces just deleted off them, and they get the same problem.

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I just looked at your mod and first/biggest problem you have is improperly named things. By that I mean if I pull up your file in nifscope and click on the shirt at the bottom of the of the screen you'll see something that Name-String- and then in small txt which beside it says Bip01 Neck or if I click on the sleeves its Bip01 spine. Those things have to be renamed especially if you get something with bonetwist in it. Iti'll prevent you from importing the file into blender and getting it to work right in the game. Fix those things and right off hand I'd say it should work. (I didn't look that closely, I need to do other things for that.) To fix the clipping you'd need blender to do that and if the skeleton itself is off you'd have to fix that but that's beyond my skill.

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