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TES IV and Windows 7 64-bit?


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Hi everybody,


after a long time of playing TES IV on Win XP 32-bit, I am planning to upgrade to Win 7 (64 bit).

But I have found so many scattered hints across the forums about various things you should know about Win 7 and Oblivion that I am a bit confused.


So my question is: Does anybody know a good overview/summary of things to consider before upgrading?


I am not talking about general questions of upgrading from XP to Win7. I am also aware of the general system requirements for Win 7 (my PC has a Quad Core CPU with 64 bit capability, 6 GB of RAM (theoretically), a quite new motherboard and a decent GPU (NV GTX285)). So I guess upgrading my OS won't be a problem.


I am rather interested in the specific game related aspects. This includes, e.g.:

- playing the game itself

- usage of essential gaming and modding tools like TES CS, OBMM, Wrye Bash, BOSS etc.


Here's what I already (believe to) have learned, though I don't know any details:


- Win 7 for TES IV is not officially supported by Bethsoft, though most people don't consider this a problem (game runs better on Win 7 actually)

- There are some security restrictions in Win 7, such as for the c:\Programs folder. This is why people usually install the game and/or modding tools in another place (but which tools are affected? Where to install?)

- TES IV doesn't support RAM memory space higher than 2 GB by default. Full benefit of 4+ GB RAM on a 64-bit system can only be harvested by applying special tweaks/flags to the game files (which tweaks, where/how to apply)?

- Contrary to XP, Win 7 supports DirectX 10. But does Oblivion benefit from that?

- Anything else...?


I'd be very very happy about helpful information.

I suppose that other people would also profit from having such information bundled in one place.

I will also try to contribute here whatever I learn.




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I switched from WinXP 32 bit to Win7 x64 when it first came out - The only difference is to install it outside of the UAC protected program files folders. I use C:\Games\Oblivion. The only diference I noticed was Win7 seems to be more stable.
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Thanks everybody for these replies! :)

Sounds that migrating from XP to Win 7 is not a big thing after all.


More things that I was thinking of yesterday:

- Are there any problems with installing and running OBSE plugins (with dlls and everything)? Now I suppose that as long as they're installed outside the UAC controlled folders, there shouldn't be any issues?

- What about tools like Wrye Bash, OBMM and TES CS? Do they work as expected on Win7/64bit, or is there anything important to know?


P.S.: Think it would make sense if I updated my initial post above regularly to include all the new information. I'll do this soon...

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EVERYTHING works in Win7 - as long as you install outside of the program files folders.


The reason Beth says Win7 is not supported is because they did not test it on Win7, or Vista. What they mean is their tech support will not help you with any problems if you are not using WinXP as that is what they used to make and test it.

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  • 2 months later...
I can confirm what everyone else is saying. I have and run every tool you listed and more. My game is in C:\Games\Oblivion. I have Windows 7 64 bit. I am using the Steam version and OBSE is working with it. No issues once it is out of Program Files.
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