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I only use them out of necessity, usually to correct something that's gone wrong with the game. "tcl" I find myself using pretty often because I tend to find places to get myself stuck quite often. I also wind up using "disable" quite a bit for various different things, like when I kill a guard with a Deadly Reflex finishing move (otherwise multiple guards respawn later, some in just their underwear). I don't normally use them to give myself items and such, it taints the realism a little for me when I do...
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hmmm , if unavoidable . Only in the following cases:


* tcl : regulary

... when stuck in landscape (I tend to jump/explore into the narrowest spaces).


* unlock : only twice

1.after having completed Siren deception-quest in Anvil, to re-visit Gweden farm .

2.after having finished the FG quest-line , to re-visit Blackwood company's training basement


*tgm : very rarely

and ONLY to carry my collected loot when it would need 10+ travels ... for example , when changing my regular home .


Otherwise , playing with cheats isn't my thing ... at all .

Voilà :)

Edited by Remcoz
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I don't often use console commands, mostly tcl to get out of a stuck spot or tgm when I really just can't bother with making ten trips to carry loot. I also admittedly used the additem command to finish the Vampire Cure quest, because it was really frustrating the hell out of me trying to get some of it while practically bursting into flames from the sun. I also looked ugly as sin and that needed remedied as quickly as possible lol.
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I have used the "advplayerskill" command when I had to revert to an old save after a bad mod.


Seeing as how I play a non thief, I occasionally use "unlock" because I am terrible at the lockpicking and I feel I've earned whatever is in that chest I just killed 20 monsters to reach.


"kill" is fun on occasion but I never use it in a real game.


In a game that is so heavily customizable I don't really think of it as cheating, just modding on a smaller scale.

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I don't really like to cheat, but sometimes it's inevitable. Just the last time I played I managed to fall down into a small space between some rocks while I was fighting a bandit and I couldn't move, necessitating either restarting the game from a previous save or using "tcl" to get out.


I'll admit that with this character I used "player.additem" to get the slaughterfish scales for Aelwin Merowald in the "Go Fish" quest. Why? I've done this so many times I can almost do it with my eyes closed and I hate ... HATE ... collectathons -- too reminiscent of collecting brains for T.K. Baha in Borderland's "Zombie Island of Dr. Ned".


I've occasionally used "unlock" just because I didn't want to bother spending all that time picking a hard lock. I always have a bunch of lockpicks, anyway, so I'm not going to run out doing it the legit way, so I really don't consider that "cheating", so much as just saving some personal (real life) time to get on with the current mission.


Yes, I've used "tgm" on occasion, like Remcoz, to save the drudgery of making a gazillion trips from my latest dungeon crawl to the nearest non-respawning container -- and I always toggle it back off if I encounter any nasties along the way. It isn't as though I'm not going to get all that loot eventually, anyway, and since I play with the timescale set very low (between 5 and 10) I'm not gaining that much in terms of in-game time.


Oh, "tg", too. I used to have to do that just to play the game, since my previous computer would choke with grass turned on. Now I leave grass on.


In one game I had to resurrect an important PC who had managed to get himself killed, somehow. And in the current game I'm playing Quill-Weave got stuck in Chorrol during the quest "A Rat Problem" and I had to "coc" to her location, and I think I had to "unlock" Casta's door so I could step inside the house for a second to reset Quill-Weave's AI and get her to walking back to Anvil, then I ported back to Anvil and found something else to do while she waled all the way from Chorrol to Anvil. And, finally, I've used "disable" to get rid of unsightly corpses that Imperial authorities leave lying around the cities for days on end. Hey, I'm playing a Khajiit, right now. Maybe she eats them. :)

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those all seem like legit uses. I personally think corpses in towns and public buildings should be gone by your next visit...damn lazy guards. One time I really have to break out the cheats is with mods. I'm playing Quest for the Elements, and there are some bugs that would have stopped me in my tracks several times with no cheats.
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