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Skyrim.esp and Update.esp automatically uncheck while running Skyrim


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I just recently got back into modding after about a year of not playing Skyrim. I've been perfecting my Skyrim with mods and it's been running smoothly until today. I own NMM Ver. 0.55.6. I clicked 'Launch Skyrim' and everything worked fine until I clicked play. The Skyrim.esp and Update.esp automatically uncheck and they don't show up in the data files where the play button is when you launch Skyrim. I'm totally lost and I'm trying to download 0.60.6a of NMM right now to see if that helps anything. If anyone has any idea of what to do please reply. Thanks.

Edited by severekillaaa
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If they're marked as ESPs then something is seriously wrong, as they're supposed to be ESMs. Do a file integrity check with Steam.

I'm sorry, I mistook them for .esp files. They infact are listed as Skyrim.esm and Update.esm in NMM but they don't show up in data files. I will try running a file integrity check though to see if their completely missing.

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Skyrim.esm and Update.esm do not usually show up in Skyrim launcher Data Files. In your launcher resolution make sure Windows mode is unchecked and the Show all Resoluion IS checked.


Edit: Options area.

Edited by Roscaria
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Skyrim.esm and Update.esm do not usually show up in Skyrim launcher Data Files. In your launcher resolution make sure Windows mode is unchecked and the Show all Resoluion IS checked.


Edit: Options area.

It still isn't working in fullscreen mode. I've tried everything, even uninstalling and reinstalling Skyrim. Bump. I really don't want to throw in the towel and forget about this great game. :(

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So, what happens if you try and launch the game in Fullscreen? Does it do nothing, or does it start and then crash?

It starts and the Bethesda intro pops up for a mere second then it shrinks and when I click on the Skyrim program logo in the taskbar this little black box pops up. The main menu music continues to play and I'm forced to close the game using Task Manager. I've downloaded the newest NMM and uninstalled all of my mods and I still continue to have this problem. I even unchecked all of the DLC's. Still the same problem.

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Have you tried verifying your game cache with Steam?

Yes I have. And, problem solved I guess. My game works fine in fullscreen somehow. I haven't even done anything but run a few security programs and shut down my computer for a while. It must have have been something wrong with the screen resolution.

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