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Wrye Mash


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I have been having the worst problem with wrye mash. It worked in the past as early as 4 days ago but the ONE time I need it for something other than mashed lists esp, it absolutely refuses to work. I even went to the hassle of getting the python version with the exact same results. It activates in the task manager for 2 seconds then disappears. Bash for oblivion and skyrim still work fine, I am at a loss any advice would be appreciated. Also, all my mods for morrowind where force-activated probably because I looked at the MGSO installer to help with troubleshooting on that page(hence the need for mash So I can at least look at the mod list my save is using)

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Should have included this before but here is my log.


Wrye Mash Log!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "mash.py", line 1, in <module>
File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 82, in load_module
File "mash\mash.pyo", line 56, in <module>
File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 82, in load_module
File "mash\masher.pyo", line 59, in <module>
File "mash\mlox\loader.pyo", line 47, in importMlox
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\Mlox\mlox.py", line 21, in <module>
import urllib
ImportError: No module named urllib

Edit: wait one second, I see something about mlox here, I just updated Mlox recently, the last time I used it was before the update. my old one was at 57 the new one 60 is it at all possible that the update screwed something up in mash? I highly doubt it but you never know.

Edited by ZZZ02
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Are you using Wrye Mash Standalone? It was released before the latest version of mlox which added rules downloading.


In the mlox program archive is a folder with some details of a bodge to get the two to work together until Mash is fixed.

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Thanks for the advice, mash is working now but will it affect Mlox at all? I hope a new version is released soon preferably one that makes it as user friendly as Bash.

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When you right-click in Mash and choose "Launch mlox" (I think it is) what version of mlox is launched? is it 0.60? If it is you should be OK (latest version of the program with automated rule downloads).


I wouldn't hold you breath on Mash. There's three versions / forks (not including Wrye's own) which exist and none of them appear to be being updated.

Edited by Dragon32
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