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Forced flash objects in download?


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I have no_script to prevent scripting from killing my system and I am running "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13".

Noscript version and flash block

It appears an advertiser is injecting flash objects into the download system such that you much watch some movie advertisement first.

<script type="text/javascript"> 
   function onMediaEnd(){ toggle_visibility('precontent_ad'); 
   function toggle_visibility(id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); 
   if(e.style.display == 'none') e.style.display = 'block'; else e.style.display 
   = 'none'; } 


The advertisement for the movie appears to be overriding everything else in the pop up window. Since I've got outside site script execution disabled no download links appear etc. I think it might actually override everything in the entire body of the popup. Trying to force people to watch some advertisement video before you can do anything.


I was able to eventually get it to work but I had so much locked down I don't believe the swf they were attempting to run ever got anywhere.


The internet has turned rather savage these days.

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This site is ad supported. Without them there would be no Nexus. I don't mind people using adblockers and noscript sparingly but I'm not going to go out of my way to accommodate them. Why would I?
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I'm having the same issues but the ads themselves are borked to an extent. I've all but stripped my firefox naked of adblocks and the like and the ad just never loads, keeping me from downloading anything. This issue really only started up for me today as I havn't been on nexus for a week or two. Any ideas or suggestions?
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I want to say, I don't mind watching a 30sec ad before downloading a file to help boost some revenue for TesNexus because hey, I got music playing right? Yes, but, the advert vid about dettol spray and wipe cleaner is louder than my music and there is no option in the advert to ether mute the vid ad or to turn the sound down. Honestly it's totally obnoxiously loud and blasting my ears off. And furthermore I getting this vid advert whenever I download today.


If we are going to have vid adverts before we download, can we please have the type where one can mute or turn the sound down please?

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I want to say, I don't mind watching a 30sec ad before downloading a file to help boost some revenue for TesNexus because hey, I got music playing right? Yes, but, the advert vid about dettol spray and wipe cleaner is louder than my music and there is no option in the advert to ether mute the vid ad or to turn the sound down. Honestly it's totally obnoxiously loud and blasting my ears off. And furthermore I getting this vid advert whenever I download today.


If we are going to have vid adverts before we download, can we please have the type where one can mute or turn the sound down please?



Just use the sound controls on your computer. Once the ad page loads, there should be a section in your volume control for your browser. While you're here downloading files, turn it all the way down. When you're done, put it back to full volume.

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