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Can't download any big files


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So I just tried to download something. I haven't downloaded in a while so I'm not 100% sure when this started.

It seems that I can't download files over 2 mb. It works with files that are under 2mb, it seems.

More specifically, this is exactly how it looks like: http://img220.imageshack.us/f/22040552.jpg/


It's just black like that. Nothing happens. I've tried waiting.


A few additional facts:


- I'm logged on when I try to download.

- I block 3rd party cockies, but I tried to disable that temporarly as well, just in case. This didn't change anything. Still the same problem.

- I use Google Chrome (fully updated). But I also tried to use Internet Explorer, but same problem there...


Never had any kind of problem like this before.


Could someone please help?

Edited by hlvr
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Do you have noscript installed, or something that stops javascript from working?


Hm, what do you mean?

I have a firewall and anti-virus, I can try to shut the firewall down temporarly...

I allow my browser to use java script. I don't allow pop-ups, but I tried to temporarly allow them a sec ago, nothing changed.


But it's strange why this wouldn't hinder the 2mb download.



Hm... now something new happened. I tried to download a file over 2 mb again, but now something else happened (I haven't changed any settings or anything yet).

The same black screen thing on the pic is there, but now it says above the black screen. "Your download will be available after this brief video brought to you by Playwire.com"


Why do I need to see a video first? (And why didn't this show up earlier, like when I started this thread?)

And if I have to see it, why isn't it starting?

Very confused.



well, i can't see the picture (it wouldn't load, for some reason), but i think i had the same problem, which happens from time to time


have you tried downloading from a different server??

because for me, when one server didn't work, usually trying another worked quite fine


I don't get to the server choice at all. This pops out first. No server choice.

I'm only thinking that it's my adobe flash player settings that are restricting this.

I can't think of anything else.

Edited by hlvr
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I was experiencing some issues with these ads too, even with NoScript turned off it glitched occasionally. (It pains me to have to leave it on, but I got a rather nasty infection from the ads some time ago and I'm just not comfortable without it anymore. I don't download much these days, though) I wrote a very simple userscript to get past that ad (only that ad, not the others) for people who really can't go without their NoScript/have problems even with JS enabled.


I'm making this available with good intentions, but if you'd prefer it wasn't around, Robin, I'll remove it.

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This obviously isn't a widespread issue else there'd be a lot more people complaining so for the few people who are having issues (it'll be javascript related, no doubt about it) then I really don't mind.
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I was experiencing some issues with these ads too, even with NoScript turned off it glitched occasionally. (It pains me to have to leave it on, but I got a rather nasty infection from the ads some time ago and I'm just not comfortable without it anymore. I don't download much these days, though) I wrote a very simple userscript to get past that ad (only that ad, not the others) for people who really can't go without their NoScript/have problems even with JS enabled.


I'm making this available with good intentions, but if you'd prefer it wasn't around, Robin, I'll remove it.


Hey thanks for writing that.

Though... it didn't work for me :confused:

No difference.


Here's what I've tried more so far (with no success):


- Disabled firewall, changed adobe flash player settings to allow more things, allowed 3rd party cookies, allowed pop-up windows, switched to Internet Explorer (with all low security/privacy settings).

- My Adobe Flash Player on the computer is not the latest version (v.9), but it shouldn't matter, because Google Chrome automatically has the latest updated flash plugin. It would only matter for Internet Explorer.


It's really annoying that I can't download any files over 2 mb now. Dark0ne, this is a good site and I'm thankful for it. But I can practically no longer use it (and it seems some other people having the same problem), even though I want to. I had to ask a guy on the Beth forums to upload the file I wanted somewhere else.

Could you please "fix" this?

Or give me some direction on how I can fix it.

Edited by hlvr
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