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Best house mod for displaying weapons and armor?


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I have been looking around online and can't seem to find a mod that does just a few things together


1) lets me display weapons (would be nice to be able to place them in racks)

2) has mannequins for armor

3) has quite a few of these two things.



I have tel uvirith's legacy but the place is huge and dropping items in just right place gets old.


Also, you have to import your own mannequins.



I had the abandoned flat mod but though the few mannquins were nice, you had to hand place weapons.



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I use Ravenloft. It's a massive house mod that doesn't modify anything in morrowind. It's done entirely using interior cells with its own objects that don't conflict with anything at all. The meshes and textures are showing their age, but that's a minor issue compared to what the house offers.


There are tons of rooms full of mannequins. There are no weapon racks, but you can install the weapon rack mod and use that.

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