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Bad Problem With Morrowing PLease Help!


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Ok I got some mods for Morrowind the pack guar and somehting else and i activated them properly and i started to begin a game and everything went FREAK the walls the characters we flashing like parts of them would go invisible very rapidly i could see thro walls and stuff and it didnt stop i completely reinstalled the program and it still happened I have a Radeon 9200 i have succefully ran Morrwind before i tried to isntall these mods Someone Please Help
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You can use the edit button above your post so you don't have to double post.


Anyways, about your problem, did you try running Morrowind without those mods? It sounds like one of them is bad. Most likely the "Call of Duty" one or whatever one besides the Pack Guar mod, because I've heard that one works.

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Uh, Call of Duty's a completely different game. He's asking if directx9, which is required to play it, could be causing conflicts with morrowind. And the answer is no. I have directx9 and not a single problem.
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Hmmmm yes well I think the problem is not Directx 9.0 I think the problem is in Catalyst 3.8 now i think i need that to play Halo for pc but another place i posted someone says cat 3.8 has a reputation of messing these games up so what now? I mean I want to play Morrowind and Halo do I have to choose?
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The Cataylist drivers are notrious for being buggy and breaking alot of stuff. <Although Marxist will tell you different>.


Direct 9.0 will not be to much of a broblem but I have run into problems using DirectX 9.0b. I now stay away from that with a barge pole. As for your ATI drivers are they DirectX 9 compatible? Try searching through some help forums at ATI. Maybe other ATI users may be able to pint you in the right direction. Myself; I am a Nvidia man so Im afraid Im not "up to play" on the next buggy release of the Catalyist Drivers B)

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