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Water nymph mod is awesome!


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the creator of the water nymph race is "TheLys", and it is an excellent mod. if "thelys" is reading this, please heed my call. i dont know how to use the construction set, and i have a good idea. i love the water nymphs, and they are now my favorite race. why not make a mod for a water nymph city, sort of like atlantis? that would be so awesome!!!! i thought it was so cool that the coastlines are dotted with other water nymphs, and water nymph scouts!!

i think that an underwater city would be incredible! a city totally populated by nymphs! it could have inns (i dont know if you can do that underwater), smiths selling nymph weapons and armor, traders, and all kinds of new nymph npc's, and maybe even some small services or odd jobs. if anyone reading this is up to the challenge (especially the water nymph creator), please do it!

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Search over at http://thelys.mwsource.com

That's his new page, and all the mods he used to host are there. I'm a member of TheLys' forum for his Werewolves Mod, and it's one badass thing.

/end OT

Anyway, if he still has it, it's there. Suggestion, MODS, possible move to TES: Editor section.

Why not try to make your own. Or contact TheLys himself and request one. He's currently busy with the rest of the McAsmod team on Chapter 2 of The Werewolves mod.

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If we're talking about the same mod... there IS a small underwater city. I just happened on it the other day (scratching head trying to remember where it is...).


I'm thinking (dangerous for me at this hour of the morning) that it's off the coast of Seyda Neen. I remember seeing some "Mer-folk" in the water, popped over to say 'ello, and things kind went from there. Hope i'm not sending you on a wild-goose chase, but I'm thinking that's where it's at.


And don't get your hopes up, either... this is no "Silgrad Tower under-the-waves" I'm talking about here.

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It is true there is a "town" but it is... a crappy cave, nothing great. What desboy is saying is that someone should make a big city devoted to water nymphs. I thought of a good idea. Is there anyway someone can take the wall for the ghostgate and make a bubble underwater with it? That would be awesome as a town boundary!! Anyway I totally support an atlantis like town.
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