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Cats, Kittys, Meow ect ect


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Hullo all


I make this thread in hope that people share their experience of their feline friends with us and their pictures if you have any!


As some of you may know or may not know, i hate dogs. I REALLY despise them. so please dont you come and post pic of them here


Anyhow we got 3 cats.


First one is Ivy, a female 2 years old cat. Very Agresive




Then there is Nooplie, a female hybrid ragdoll cat. Very sweet temparement



And T-Cake, the very first male cat in the family and very close to Nooplie!


Edited by HellsMaster
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I have 5 cats, so there! One is Bandit, he has two bald spots, one under each ear, and is all black (somehow even his tongue is...), then Felix, (Maine Coon) who is blind, yet somehow manages to see... weird yes. Creepy when a cat with no eyes sneaks up on you at night; then theres Snoopy, she's evil, just like her sister Lucy... They are both Black and White (pokemon game reference :P), then there's Smokey, Bandit's brother, yet they look nothing alike. Smokey is striped with some kind of "eye" marking on each side of him.
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Kittehs! Oh, yours are so cute! :D


Mr. Romeo :)






He's a silly thing. He loves his toy mice...they are hidden all over the house haha.

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cute cats you have there. the one cat in the third photo has almost the same paintshop as mine. i find it to be very elegant and usefull in the wilderness at the same time. damn and i jsut discovered i cannot upload anything, because the files have become corrupted. probably i should buy a new hdd. lol. Edited by Nadimos
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the cat is drinking.. beer??! awesome kiiteh!

LF, show us your main coon!


lol no no, it's iced tea :P It's in a beer glass though haha


He's an awesome cat though, he hunts down all the spiders and bugs in the summer :D He loves to play all the time, and he's super cuddly. Has to be the sweetest male cat I've ever owned, his name fits him well :)

Edited by Illiad86
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Here he is on the table:




Here's him yawning on his cat tree:




They aren't in very high quality, because I couldn't find my camera, so I had to use my DSi. These were taken in about 17 month intervals lol Cat tree one I toke just now.

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