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Elder Scrolls Online


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Well, this is something I've been brooding on for some time.


In reflection to everything I've read above, I don't think an ES MMO would take away too much from its core gameplay experience. In fact, if done right, and properly, I think it could realistically be far better than most anything else out there.


For a game like this, scale should really be something to address. While it would be nice to have the game set in a massive province like Cyrodil, there would be a huge lacking of variety. Perhaps an MMO should start off being one of 2 or 3 smaller provinces, such as Valenwood, Somerset, and/or Elsweyr. (similar to FF XI, I suppose) There would have to be expansions that would ad additional surrounding provinces, perhaps one per year or so. That way, the scale of the game can increase, as well as the story and setting.


Imagine character creation being exactly the same, with a difference of job creation. Basically, as should be true with any role playing game, anyone that wants to play should be able to do as they wish. Yeah, a free MMO would be astounding, but I'd rather gladly pay up to a possible $9.99 a month if that would mean a great Elder Scrolls MMO would be a reality.


And, $9.99 a month would probably be a fair asking price for play. For that price, you can sign up to be the basic adventurer, or perhaps be a traveling merchant, selling ingredients, potions, or self-made spells. Maybe you would mix the two, and sell your special loot from the dungeons. Imagine being a merchant that would be based on Somerset Isle, who spends much time in Elsweyr collecting province-specific things. After paying an import-tax to return to Somerset, they would have things that would be rare and valuable in that region. I don't necessarily see much room for making raid-parties, but more power to those that want to group together to hit caves and tombs of a higher level.


I see there being up to one major storyline to complete for the initial release, as well as sub-quests that would be unique to each individual province; not to mention the many side-quests that could be given by NPCs.


Oh, and crafting should play a major roll, too. There are far too many possibilities and materials to ignore crafting. Imagine an Orc-player, who searches and mines for materials. By getting everything required, and practicing (like Alchemy), he should be able to produce weapons and armor (Orcish, I would imagine). Then, he could turn and sell them for cash., The Bosmer could craft bows from materials, including wood (wood, being something I think should be obtainable from the environment, same as alchemical ingredients)


Oh, and not to forget about factions and guilds. This could be the tricky part, as there have never really been too many members in guilds period, and there can't very well be more than one Master of the fighter's guild. I'm not too sure how these things would work out, unless there are much more than the typical 3 or 4 factions to join, with each faction having at least 50 spots to fill. Think of Morrowind, there were the three Houses, the Temple, the three guilds, the Imperial Guard, ect. While it seemed like a lot, it really wasn't too much. This subject should, and could, be open for further collaboration.


I'm sure there's much more on my mind, but that would be my ideal Elder Scrolls MMO. What do you all think?

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Bethesda word of mouth - They will never make a elder scrolls mmo, that's to say you can never say never, BUT, it is HIGHLY unlikely that the will EVER make an elders scrolls mmo, hope that clears it up.. HOWEVER they did hire a firm to make a fallout mmo, but the guys that were making the fallout mmo under them, weren't really allowed much creativity or any of the trademark things that make fallout, fallout, and are sueing them for not keeping up their end of the deal.


It may seem a bit messy, but you can always google it. :biggrin:

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I would hate a Elder Scrolls MMO.

It wouldn't have a hope in hell against WoW or Guild Wars 2 (keen for that!)

TES is all about freedom, and nicking stuff/ killing bartenders for pumpkins.


Filling it with vendors and respawning goblins in a field, would destroy the series.

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Ugh. No thanks. I play TES because it lets you feel like an epic hero/villain and can occasionally become a god. I don't play MMOs because there would be no mods and my character would be a drop in the bucket at best and at worst I'm surrounded by morons and trolls.


Hopefully they are just protecting their brand name by buying up all the TES related domains like mentioned earlier. No one likes the idea of clicking on a link that looks official only to get hit by some jerk spreading malware.

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I'd vote it down and would never play it. I played WoW for 3 years and, retrospectively, never felt immersed at all in the process... it was just a click farm and time sink in the end. TES for me is something I stay curious about for long periods of time - longer than any other game I've played in my 30+ years of gaming.


One of the selling points the OP made was that it could include PVP. For me - that is one of the myriad reasons why this is a horrible idea. I want the world to be the world I inhabit, and the idea of some griefer coming in and ganking me while I'm travelling somewhere or questing - eish. Nightmare time.


For me - this kind of touches on this urge that gamers have for every game to include all the same aspects: MULTIPLAYER! TALENT TREES! EXPERIENCE POINTS! COLLECTIBLES! These concepts are found in RPG, Shooters, Sports Games, Racing Games, even The Sims for God's sake. And I feel that the differential's that used to define the genres and make them each compelling in their own right have been lost.


I like TES just the way it is and it has been built into a truly epic gaming event whenever Beth releases a title. If it ain't broke - don't fix it.

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I think it would be a tremendous flop. Just having the Elder Scrolls name won't be enough to keep the veteran fans interested. I think most of us play the Elder Scrolls to get lost in the world, the lore, and the story, not to group up with other people and play out some convolouted, watered down for the masses, retconned, facade of a story that will have no hard end. Every Elder Scrolls game has a hard ending. My examples come from the game I started the series with, Morrowind. At the end of Morrowind, you defeat Dagoth Ur, that's the hard end. In Oblivion, it was the battle for the Imperial City. After the main quest is done, the only real end would be when people stop making new mods, which will never happen. But in an Online game, there will be no player made mods, just rehashed, reskinned quests force fed to us.




The previous post was the expression of this users OPINION, take with a grain of salt

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*IF* there is an elder scrolls MMO I'd like to see the skills like Star Wars: Galaxies when it was first released. No classes, anyone can train in any skill, earning differant types of experience from the skills. Seriously, very very unique system that they abandoned to go regular class system. Best part is that a few years after saying they did it because the fans wanted it they admitted that it was a mistake to change to the regular class system and they wish they could go back but it's to late. :wallbash:
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