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Wicked Eyes blah blah; help a repubican here? Spoilers!


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Funny... 'Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts' is my favourite map. The only map with real role playing and not loads of crap collecting and endles battles.


I guess you won't bay the 'Trespasser' DLC then?




Who ?... me ?... yeah.. ofcource ill buy it... i am a bioware junkie... i HAVE to buy it.. .. but i do wish they stop making games of which they say That it matters what you do..., but it really doesn't..

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Who ?... me ?... yeah.. ofcource ill buy it... i am a bioware junkie... i HAVE to buy it.. .. but i do wish they stop making games of which they say That it matters what you do..., but it really doesn't..


I agree. I like Bioware games.


But Mass Effect and DAO is apparently history.


I had the same feeling with DAI. It didn't matter what you did. It didn't affect the outcome. So, why does this game need a player to influence it?

You were lead through a story with a somewhat sterotypic end. You fight Corypheus and that's it. No mysteries, no influence on the outcome.


On top of that I am disappointed about the way the handled the patches. They merely used their time on fixing singleplayer exploits, but those who wasn't able to play the game due to misleading system requirements were ignored.

I play DAI now and then. But only because the maps are pretty well made. I also like the character movements, the are more detailled.


I play The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt these days. I am much more content with this game. There are several possible endings. The graphics are breathtaking realistic. The light feels genuine. The world is open, except the first and last map in the main story. And there's so many ways to influence the story I can't count them. CDPR really lived up to the expectations.


Yes, I'm going to get 'Trespasser' as well. But merely because I want the game complete.

The rumous say you will have influence on the faith of the inquisition in this DLC, and it's going to take place in The Winter Palace (I hope to meet Selene again).

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