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Mod compatibility help!


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I am using a few mods, nothing too crazy but I am having trouble with two mods; Capucines Chracacter Expansion and MMM's Resized races. It seems that if one of these is activated that I can't use the other. (Usually Capucines character expansion gets canceled out and MMMs resized races takes over.) Personally I think Capucines character expansion is the best for new eye selections despite their being fewer choices than Elaborate Eyes. How can I get this to work? I was suggested Wrye Bash with Wrye Python but I kept running into problems (it was a little too complex for me, and after I would would close Wrye Bash I could never open it again.) I just want to get these two mods working with each other. Can anyone help?
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I've been having problems with Wrye Bash.


1. How do I use Wrye Bash?


2. Which version of Wrye Bash do I need and what version of Wrye Python do I need?

Edited by LordDratik
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