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Wolves howl,

Soldiers fall,

Walls crumble,

Lovers call.


Mercy fades,

Misery beckons,

Hate blooms,

Fate reckons.


Pestilence grows,

Famine late,

War Cries,

Death awaits.


Shadows darken,

Light fades,

Colour bleaches

Remnant shades.


Plots deepen,

Enemies stilled,

Blades sharpened,

Emperors killed.


Justice revenged,

Hands cold,

Crowns pawned,

Men sold.


Gods plot,

Man fails,

Sands drop,

Time sails.


Standing stone,

Eyes open,

Mind gone,

None hoping.


Whipped hide,

Broken soul,

Whispers reign,

Something foul.


Chains split,

Slaves freed,

Polar direction,

Empires need.


I wrote this some time ago, to me it still feels as powerful as it was when I wrote it. I was somewhat inspired by the rhythm of a song in one of the Dragons of Pern novels by Anne McCaffrey and an artwork by Rob Alexander called At the End of it All.

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This is poetry, not poetry sort of, and I found it good.


I will need to reread this at least once to get a better feel for it for I found some of the lines more obscure and less 'immediate' and 'effective' than others.


I still have appreciation and give kudos.

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I felt that only by giving coupled words that the viewer would bring their own interpretations to the mix. To me it makes me think of Romanesque architecture and people, other people will see something completely different and that is an interesting point for me. It's the story of the Fall of an Empire.


Thank you c:

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  • 2 months later...

I must say I enjoyed reading it. Very nice, and kind of gripping. I didn't know you enjoyed poetry as well? Although, admittedly, I should be more active in my poetry contributions.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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