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"Become a bard" does not work anymore |:


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Hey guys,

I have no idea what happened, but the mod does not work anymore...

I used it for a year now and never had issues ever! I asked the modder for help, but he/she told me to ask here for suggestion.

First, I used the mod via Stemworkshop but as soon as I found out it did not work anymore (it did not show up on the mod-list, even after unsubscribing and subscribing again for two times) I downloaded it here on nexus. Sadly I had to realize that it does not work here too. I even installed it manually, I really tried everything and have no clue what is the problem could be D:
Any ideas? I'm pretty upset right now, I loved that mod :<

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Did you install any other mods recently? Something could be interfering with it working.


Otherwise, you could try uninstalling all mods, reinstalling Skyrim and then reinstalling your mods again. That's my go-to solution for big mod-caused problems, and it usually fixes stuff. (A bit time-consuming, but if it works....)

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I only updated "Expanded Cities and Towns" but I can not tell if it stopped working at that time or if it didn't work before... Furthermore I don't think these mods would conflict, at least they never did in the past /:

I am not sure, but maybe my Skyrim updated and Become a Bard is not compatible with the newest Skyrim version? ._.


Oh uninstalling all mods would be really troublesome... but if I can't find an other solution, I guess it is the only choice.

Edited by Coffeekiss
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Nah, Skyrim doesn't update anymore. It's too old of a game.


You might be able to get away with just reinstalling Skyrim, but I can't be sure. I can't even guarantee that uninstalling and reinstalling all mods will solve it either, but if you've got a few free hours it might be worth it. If nothing else, doing that has always worked out a ton of bugs in the system for me nonetheless - mods you didn't even realize were malfunctioning because you've had them installed for so long, and such. All of your saves would remain intact, although backing them up is always a good idea.


Do you use BOSS or LOOT or anything to sort your mods? Oh, and I checked the mod page and the author suggested it could be an installer issue. In that case you could simply try reinstalling Steam or NMM.


EDIT: It looks like other people are having trouble with NMM not downloading mods too. Look here. That might be your issue. (It doesn't have a solution yet, but if others are having the same problem there's no doubt it'll be fixed eventually.)

Edited by nalathequeen2186
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Oh Jesus I just deleted the Bard mod files manually and installed it again and suddenly it works, wuhu, I'm going to cry, yaay!! I have no idea why that worked, since I did that yesterday and nothing changed - weeeird!

But thank you very much for trying to help me! <:

Oh and the bard mod is the only one I downloaded at the Steamworkshop, since it was not available at nexus when I found out about it. Usually I use nexus, nexus rocks!

Well, thanks again :'D

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