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Spam Hell ... or is it?


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A forum, Gaia Online (sounds like some queer Final Fantasy (yes, Final Fantasy is queer (that means if you like it, you're queer)) forum) is having a race with lots of other forums to see who can reach 1,000,000 pages first, by any means necessary.


Since I am such a good sport I've decided that anyone I recognise posting there will be kicked off these forums ;)


Off-topic posts ftw.

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Mein Gott, that's one ugly site.


Agreed, I feel dirty looking at it.


By "pages", do they mean "threads"?


No, pages within a single thread! Think there's a tally somewhere at the bottom of the forum index for posts and threads.

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That's... insane. It's the race to ultimate stupidity.


If I were a mod there, I'd delete the entire thread once they're one post away from their goal.

Hehe. Or lock it at 999,999 and pin it on top of the forum so they could see how close they were. And of course the title should be changed to something like 'We are idiots'.


It looks like they even have rules for the post:

Do. Not. Pagestretch. OR extending a post so far it goes over the screen sideways or making a really long post.

No of course not. That wouldn't be fair would it? :rolleyes:

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If I were a mod there, I'd delete the entire thread once they're one post away from their goal. Then, I'd troll around for people who are upset about it, silently delete posts where people even so much as look at me funny, and ban all the posters, one by one, by their /28s.


Much more satisfying than just locking the thread.


I guess that's why you're not a moderator, then.


(sounds like some queer Final Fantasy (yes, Final Fantasy is queer (that means if you like it, you're queer))


Great. Why is it the things that I Like that always have to queer, eh?


xD You can just make the posts per page like 5 and win easily. Btw, they have way more members.


Yeah. Lots and lots of queer people around these days.

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Great. Why is it the things that I Like that always have to queer, eh?


Well Vaanic, I'm not saying you're queer exactly, just that one of us two is queer, and it isn't me ;)

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