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Need help with this load order


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Can someone help me with this.. Right after I tell it to load a game it crashes. I have FO3edit and no problems, I have a merge patch, I do not know what to do.. What am I missing.. ??

Could not figure out a way to copy and paste my load order so I am loading it up as a jepg..


Thank for the help

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Download and install B.O.S.S. to sort your load order http://boss-developers.github.io/


Have you double checked the mod requirements and do you have all of them? Namely FOSE.


Is you game installed in the default location, Program FIles? If it is, you must have it install in a location out of Program Files.


What are you system specifications? Can you run the un-modded game?


Follow these instructions: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1465357-installing-fallout-3-with-windows-78-and-xp/


Also, follow these instructions: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/652876-fallout-3-modding-and-you/

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