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Oblivion to Skyrim .nif Conversion


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I am currently the Devoloper for Hammerfell The Eastern Grasslands for Oblivion. I would like to know how I would be able to Convert the .nifs from Oblivion (Hammerfell) to Skyrim. I own 3ds Max 2012, 2009 and 2016 and I have Nifscope. I am trying to convert Static Objects NOT Armor
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LIkely not possible with just some guide.


There are some serious differences to contemplate while converting.


I think this question would be better served off site, maybe near the SkyBlivion domains... :D Beyond Skyrim and such.

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I am sure you know that while any completely made-from-scratch meshes or textures for Oblivion can be put into Skyrim, if they are vanilla textures or meshes they can not be released here on the Nexus.

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