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Question about levelling


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I just recently bought my copy of Oblivion. After reading a walkthrough I downloaded a couple of mods and started playing. Everythin started off nicely but when pretty soon it was time to advance to lvl 2. After sleeping I just get a message that I reach lvl 2 but I don't get to advance any attributes as I thought I should be able to. (I had advanced maybe 15 steps in different minor skills so I thought I should get som bonus attributes as well as being able to att a few manually.)


Have I missunderstood how the system works or am I doing something wrong? Might the Mods play me for a fool? I did uncheck them all in the datafiles and reloaded my game but got the same result when I slept and advanced to lvl 2.



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All I get is a message that I reached lvl 2. When I press the OK button the game freezes 2 seconds and then I get back to normal gameplay without any training points. The level of my character now says lvl 2 and I have gotten a few more hitpoints but all attributes stay the same as before :-(
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All I get is a message that I reached lvl 2. When I press the OK button the game freezes 2 seconds and then I get back to normal gameplay without any training points. The level of my character now says lvl 2 and I have gotten a few more hitpoints but all attributes stay the same as before :-(


Really strange, you have mentioned that you installed some mods, maybe its the problem.

Also try to update your game to 1.1.5 version the patch can be found in the main site:


if it won't help its still good to update..


Good luck.

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Have you tried clicking on the attributes before hitting 'OK'? If memory serves, you should see three coins in a row somewhere. When you click on an attribute, a coin should disappear from the line and appear next to the attribute. I didn't think it would let you proceed before using up all of the coins (or if you only have two or less attributes <100, as many as can be used), but I could be mistaken.
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I loaded Kobu's MOD that was recommended in a review that looked good to me. I think that's was the guilty MOD. Even though I removed the MOD as the documentation said it left some remains so now I have uninstalled Oblvion, removed the folder and reinstalled everythin with the latest patch.


Thanks for your help!

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I loaded Kobu's MOD that was recommended in a review that looked good to me. I think that's was the guilty MOD. Even though I removed the MOD as the documentation said it left some remains so now I have uninstalled Oblvion, removed the folder and reinstalled everythin with the latest patch.


Thanks for your help!

Kobu's mod completely changes the way levelling works, it's very different. I'm using it right now but I don't like it very much. Anyway, good to see you worked it out.

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