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Small Request? Don't know.


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Hello, I would like to first off say I am not a 'modder' by any means and I suck when it comes down to it. That being said I am not sure if what I am asking for will be simple or difficult to be done. What I am wanting if possible is for the (Vampire Royal Hood) to be tweaked a bit. I don't like how I cannot see my players eye's very well when having it equipped and was wondering if the hood itself could possibly be brought up a little, or brought back? Just enough to see the eye's clearly. I have tried other hood mods but this is the only thing I would like. If anyone could help that would be awesome! Cheers!


What it currently looks like - http://i.imgur.com/7UfFemc.jpg?1

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Hello InfraredGamer :) !!! If the hood is a separate part of the armor then it may be possible to move and rescale it through Nifskope. If not then You would need Blender or 3dsmax. Sorry I can't offer more help than that. Take Care, Anoxeron

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