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Invisible Legs?


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Just restarted a new playthrough and noticed right off that Alvor has no legs. I mean, he has legs, but all you see is clothes......where his legs would normally be exposed, the legs are invisible.


I've been struggling to learn everything I need to know in order to MOD my game for stability and, while I'm sure I've got a long way to go, I haven't just asked others to do this for me. I've actually spend numerous hours reading and studying how and what to do and how and what to do it correctly. As I said, I'm sure I have a long way to go, but I think I've got a pretty stable game going here.


Now, when I first saw Alvor's missing legs, I thought it may be just a glitch and limited to just him. NOPE! Any other NPC wearing clothes that expose the lower legs have invisible legs! Since the clothes that are showing invisible legs are vanilla clothes, I have no idea what may be causing this.


I understand looking at load lists for someone else isn't something most people want to sit through so I do understand if this question goes unanswered.

If, however, you choose to take mercy on me, here's my load list and I've attached a comparison image showing my issue to this post:


It's not really the end of the world to have this but I've been finding more and more the little issues are usually representative of a larger, and much more serious, issue that will cause huge problems later. Any help/advice is appreciated



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Just saying, I'm not asking for a miracle answer here.....I'm just asking for a suggestion on where to start troubleshooting. As you can see from my load list, I don't have many mods that affect clothing so I really don't know where to start. I'm guessing this is probably a relatively simple fix but I don't have the knowledge to figure this out. Even pointing me in the direction so I can learn this stuff myself would be immensely helpful.

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Update: It was recommended to verify game cache, which I did and downloaded the missing files.....unfortunately, still having the same problems. I'm very willing to accept any and all help, suggestions, or ideas.

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Do you have a male body installed? I didn't see anything like that when I browsed your plugin list but I don't use them myself so I wouldn't know what to look for specifically. I see you have all the unofficial patches which I know fixes several of those issues, so it seems like something you've added afterwards is breaking that. Anything that changes the meshes of the vanilla textures (sometimes replacers don't need an esp and so won't show up in a list like that)? Are you using NMM or MO? Have you tried loading your mod list into TES5Edit and maybe seeing what's overwriting what?

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UPDATE! So, I've found out that the problem is this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5564/?


So, I've deleted the mod and re-installed the mod manually, but the problem still persists. Now that I know the culprit, how do I fix it? I know this mod is a scripted mod so uninstalling it will pretty much bunk my game, so do I need to start over again or is there a fix? The picture shows the blacksmith's outfit but it's not only that outfit that's problematic....essentially (as I've seen it so far) it's all male clothing that doesn't completely cover the legs and whatever it doesn't cover is invisible.


Any help, advice, direction, suggestions, etc will be greatly appreciated.

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Do you have a male body installed? I didn't see anything like that when I browsed your plugin list but I don't use them myself so I wouldn't know what to look for specifically. I see you have all the unofficial patches which I know fixes several of those issues, so it seems like something you've added afterwards is breaking that. Anything that changes the meshes of the vanilla textures (sometimes replacers don't need an esp and so won't show up in a list like that)? Are you using NMM or MO? Have you tried loading your mod list into TES5Edit and maybe seeing what's overwriting what?


No male body replacers.......I'm using NMM and, unfortunately, I don't know how to load them into TES5Edit to compare conflicts......do you know of any tutorials that may help me? (tutorials that are basically for idiots.....cause I'm not great with computers.)

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ISSUE FIXED!!! zzLSAR has an option for 'Greaves".......if this is turned off or on default, the male legs are not visible on some of the outfits. Turn on the greaves and all is well! YAY! Back to playing!

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