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This village is a new mod, and not a village on the isle of Stirk right?


Besides screenshots, could you give some other information? Will there be npc's with their own schedules, will there be quests, dungeons? Can the player buy a house there? That are all the questions I can think of right now ;)

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Yes it's a completely separate mod.


NPC's: Yes several new NPC's live in this village with 24 hour schedules.


Quests: I'm working on a few quests for it. Can't exactly say what though.


Dungeons: I hate dungeons so probably not.


PC House: Sure why not.


Shops: There is one shop and a Tavern so far.


Also this village is located south east (roughly) from Anvil, along that river that runs between Cyrodill and Vallenwood.

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