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Problem Using TESSource File Database


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I've been unable to list Oblivion mods since I activated my account and paid my support fee. (There is some irony here!). For example, when I go to:




and click on the Oblivion/Buildings link (or any other link like that), instead of seeing files I get the following messages:



Warning: Division by zero in /home2/tes/public_html/files/category.php on line 155





Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home2/tes/public_html/files/category.php on line 191


(They both appear on the same page).


This error occurs regardless of what computer I am on so it looks like an account error.


I'd like my account fixed or to be allowed to transfer my license to another account so that I can browse through all the mods, which is the main reason I paid my activation fee in the first place.


Thank you,



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I think I found the problem and have now fixed it. For some reason (I think we had a problem with your account, didn't we?) a preferences entry was missing for you.


I've now added one so you can change how many results you see per category page/how many comments you see.


Sorry for the problems. Let me know if it's worked.

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