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Weird graphics glitch in 3rd Person only


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This only seems to happen in the Ordered Fringe. The LOD buildings are black like there's no normal maps, but only in 3rd Person. In 1st Person it's fine. I don't like playing in 1st Person most of the time. I'd rather fix the problem so I can play in 3rd.





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Problems could be:


*Textures missing: Do you have any mods installed which replace the SI textures? -->reinstall.


*Known StreamLine anomoly: Do you have StreamLine installed? --> Streamline's StreamSight, which adjusts fog according to uGridDistantCount and uGridDistantTreeRange, if the fog distance in StreamSight is not set to StreamLine's recommended values, mostly this would be neon green however I have experienced a loss of LOD (rendering of far .nifs) in certain situations.


*Do you have a 1st person or 3rd person camera mod installed?


*Distance rendering settings: Have you adjusted Near, Fade and/or Far distances in Oblivion.ini? -->edit to default.


*Do you have the latest Video card drivers? -->stay current.


The black objects can show up when textures are missing, missing normal maps would just be less details in the texture. Sometimes fog distances which don't match up with LOD distance or load distance can have a strangecolored effect on objects in the distance. Likely, it's a missing texture.

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Well, the texture shows up fine in the CS. I was always under the impression that missing texture is a purple object, and missing normal maps are black. Of all you suggested, it's probably distance rendering settings. I didn't play with those values before though.
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