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Skyrim Screenshots


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. why would you take an old rod up the pooper when you can get twice as much for half the cost elsewhere?



so you would pay half as much for twice the butt rape?

guys girls lets stay on topic please!! This post says skyrim screenshots and I have found one that I'm pretty sure none of you have seen!! I'm not sure if I am alowed to show it yet but when I know I can, I will, maybe tommorow!!

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i will NOT buy this game if it is direct x 9.



Please don't. It's one more copy that will be available for me to buy from the game store when they are running low.


But let's face it. Despite all the QQ your going to go buy the game just like everyone else and will end up modding out the couple annoying details and end up spending countless hours here on The Nexus. Hey look, you already do! Who woulda thunk it!

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are you kidding me? the textures look half as good as qarl's tex pack 3. it isnt like it takes more effort to paste in a high resolution picture than to paste in a low resolution picture.


I have seen better clothes models/textures submitted by solo modders.


overall, they are a big step from oblivion, though i will be pissed and not purchasing if the game is not Dx11.



see all those nasty squared edges on the wench's shoulders and body? they would be completely removed by the addition of TESSELLATION, which is a Dx11 feature.


the hair and fur looks like it is still going to be the same carboard crap we are used to, instead of the havok cloth they have access to.


honestly, this game looks like crap compared to its potential. i cant stand to see so much money go in to a piece of garbage that will be outdated three months after its release, and will not support developers that waste my time and theirs with that kind of pollution.


and these guys are professionals, wth.

You know it really doesn't matter if it looks better than this in final production!! It can always be modded!! I havent seen a fantasy rpg game to look this good yet, have you? Just to clarify this: NO MORROWIND OR OBLIVION MOD CAN OR WILL BEAT THIS, GAURANTEED!!!

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i understand that some people dont mind recieving a piece of turd for their hard earned money (or in some cases not so hard). but unlike everyone else, i dont have enough money to throw away $60 every time a game comes out. i want a game that i can play for a long time, not a game that will last me four hours.


i also understand that the modding community will most likely fix all the issues with the game, but WHY does the modding community have to do NEARLY EVERYTHING to make the game great? we have to make our own textures, because the ones they provide us with are bottom line, almost outdated. we have to make our own quests, because they only put twenty all together in the game. we have to make our own animations, because theirs blow. hell, if we are going to freaking build their game for them, why dont they just release the source code?

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From what I know, the Xbox360 only does DX9 (with a few extra bits)

So there is no good reason for bethesda to make the game to run on DX10 or 11. Having DX10-11 doesn't make a lick of difference for console user, which is the vast majority. And when I say vast, I mean that four fifths of the market belongs to console.

Developing for consoles in mind? It's cheaper, it's faster. These are hard facts. Even if I do not own a console other than a PSP, I know what controls the market atm... and it really sucks! Metro 2033 showed what kind of power the PC is capable of. Sad state of things, but you gotta roll with it until the next console generation comes around, I guess :/

But on the good side of things, due to the graphics being stuck at DX9, game devs are forced to focus on the actual mechanics rather than graphical sparkle to get some sales. Which is a somewhat fair tradeoff imo.

Edited by Ultimatepurge
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...honestly, this game looks like crap compared to its potential. i cant stand to see so much money go in to a piece of garbage that will be outdated three months after its release, and will not support developers that waste my time and theirs with that kind of pollution.


and these guys are professionals, wth.


So.. what you're saying is that graphics is everything? Graphics is the least important thing about a game. It could have Morrowind Graphics, yet still be better than any games made nowadays! It's all about the Gameplay, depth and story; these things are what makes a game.


i understand that some people dont mind recieving a piece of turd for their hard earned money (or in some cases not so hard). but unlike everyone else, i dont have enough money to throw away $60 every time a game comes out. i want a game that i can play for a long time, not a game that will last me four hours.


i also understand that the modding community will most likely fix all the issues with the game, but WHY does the modding community have to do NEARLY EVERYTHING to make the game great? we have to make our own textures, because the ones they provide us with are bottom line, almost outdated. we have to make our own quests, because they only put twenty all together in the game. we have to make our own animations, because theirs blow. hell, if we are going to freaking build their game for them, why dont they just release the source code?


I really don't understand what you're getting at...

We have only ever seen one animation from Skyrim, and that is a great animation of a centurion! We have no idea how many quests are in the game, only that they have stated there are hundreds of hours of play with the side-quests (Because of Radiant Story) Hell, we haven't even seen what the graphics really are! Only some screenshots from the Xbox!


4 hours?! Where do you get this from? It has already been confirmed the Main Quest is approximately 20 hours long, and as already stated, hundreds of hours with the side quests. Bethesda has never released a game that lasted 4 hours or less!


I'll say, wait till the game comes out before you start complaining - as of now, you have no ground to complain about!

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