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Taller, muscular, normal looking female body <3


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My dream-mod would be an option for a bigger bodyshape for all females... Not fat... But less petite, thin and fragile looking... I have a mod that makes my nord females look more muscular, but they are still too small in the waste and stomach... It is especially a problem with my female khajiits... I want them to be like a humanoid lioness or something... not a little housecat! They are small, very thin and narrow, but have bigger boobs and hips... The male khajiits are much bigger and stronger looking by default, and I'm SO sick and tired of being jealous of the males in this game...


All in all I want to make all my female characters more powerful, stronger looking, muscular without looking like extreme bodybuilders with muscle-buns and veins all over!!!! JUST a friggin' normal tall and muscular female body with a wider and normal waist and belly, a thicker neck, broader shoulders and so on... something in between the two annoyingly typical bodies... I can find good looking muscular bodies out there, but then they have HUGE boobs and butts/hips which again makes the waist look tiny... I'm tired of it!!


I would love to learn how to make my own version of the female body for all the races in the game, but I know it might require an expensive tool-program... I know there are so many brilliant modders out there who could easily make this, in comparison to all great mods they made, simple one... It might not be a mod that many would download... as I can see most of you guys want the opposite... But I CAN'T be the only person wishing for this kind of mod!


If you won't make this mod, would you at least give me some tips and tricks as to how I can begin to make one myself?


Much fellow-gamer love for you all ^_^

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You can make any body type you want with BodySlide. Add a normal map with 'normal' musculature like Svarog's 'sporty' one, and that should cover what you're after.


Conversely, CNHF is a body mod that was pretty much designed for 'muscular' females.

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Like Jeir said, BodySlide is your best option if you want to make your own custom body. CNHF is a good mod, but there is little support for it. There are two versions of it, but I personally had problems with both versions. I actually use the vanilla female body now. Here are the different CNHF versions, along with my thoughts of them:


Version 1: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34213/?


This version isn't really much different from the vanilla body shape, and actually makes females look even skinnier due to increased shoulder width without enough change in the waist. The skin texture isn't terrible, but it has a bit of a neck seam, and there are no compatible skin textures for it other than what is provided - the default and an HD version. There are conversions of most or all of the vanilla armors and clothing for this, many of which make female armors more practical by making them more like the male versions. However, there is another mod which changes armors in a similar way that isn't a body replacer called Practical Female Armor. I use it instead of CNHF.


Version 2.5: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44979/?


This version has a very nice shape. I would use this, but there is a hand seam for all females that are much heavier than the lightest weight possible. It is very noticeable (at least for me), and is visible even with some gauntlets/gloves. The SFW version has a really bizarre bra that looks like leather and cloth were glued onto the model at the last minute. As with version one, you can't use any skin textures other than what is provided. This version has a more visible neck seam, too, and I think that the faces look a bit odd and shiny, though that may be a result of my ENB. The skin texture is also very vibrant, and looks strange in contrast with the more washed out male skins (whether you use vanilla males, Better Males, or SkySight Skins). There are far less armors converted for this version, and using the armors converted for version 1 makes it look like your character's body shape changes when wearing certain armors.




Another option is to use one of the more popular body replacers. There are a lot of options here, but most aren't necessarily what you want to use, as they are directed at males who want idealized, fake female bodies to stare at. Here are some of the options, along with what I think of them:


DIMONIZED UNP: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/?

The most popular body replacer on the Nexus. Not terrible. A little bit skinny, but breasts aren't too horribly enlarged as to be unrealistic. You can find almost any armor - vanilla or modded - converted for this body. It comes in two versions - the default/base version, and the 'skinny' version -which give you a little bit of a choice for personal preference. The main difference between the two is that the 'skinny' version has smaller breasts and buttocks. You can find tons of skin textures to work with this body replacer, and a lot of different normal maps for different levels of musculature. There is a SFW patch for it, which I believe can be found under the 'optional files' section.


CBBE: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666/?

The second most popular body replacer. It is more customizable than UNP, and comes with an easy-to-use FOmod installer. The main NMM download includes three main shape options - default, slim, and vanilla. Default is a thin-waisted and fairly large-breasted shape with large buttocks. Slim has smaller breasts and buttocks than the default. Vanilla is closer to vanilla proportions, but allows the use of mods that require CBBE. All options are compatible with the huge amount of vanilla and mod-added armors and clothing, skin textures, and many other, often sexual, mods that require a body replacer. If you don't like vanilla proportions, this might not be what you are looking for, but it is the closest body to vanilla that has decent support. Personally, I have never been able to use this without getting a neck gap (a little line between the neck and body where the skin is completely see-through).


Body by Leito: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37807/?

This one is pretty close to what you are looking for, I think. It has a far more filled-out shape to it, with a wider waist than I've seen anywhere. If you use the nude version, you may have to use the textures it comes with, but I believe that you can use any of the countless UNP textures if you use the SFW version. I haven't tested this one personally, but it looks pretty good. The only reason I don't use it is because it only has support for vanilla and DLC armors, and I use a lot of mods that add new armors. You can use it even if you do use mods that add new armors, but it will look like female bodies shrink whenever they have a modded armor equipped. If you don't use mods that add armors, this might be the mod for you.

Edited by megageeklizzy
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DIMONIZED UNP: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/?

The second most popular body replacer on the Nexus.


CBBE: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666/?

The most popular body replacer.


Corrected that for you. CBBE has never been off the top 10 mods in the Top Files (always ranging between rank 3 and 6), while UNP has always been near the bottom (21-not even there).


Also, Slim is the default shape for CBBE, and all the shapes have been updated several times over the years. Curvy is smaller than UNP in every way (before they were the same size, but UNP had a smaller waist).

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DIMONIZED UNP: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/?

The second most popular body replacer on the Nexus.


CBBE: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666/?

The most popular body replacer.


Corrected that for you. CBBE has never been off the top 10 mods in the Top Files (always ranging between rank 3 and 6), while UNP has always been near the bottom (21-not even there).


Also, Slim is the default shape for CBBE, and all the shapes have been updated several times over the years. Curvy is smaller than UNP in every way (before they were the same size, but UNP had a smaller waist).


UNP has more endorsements than CBBE.


I forgot about the CBBE bodies being called Slim and Curvy. I don't think curvy is smaller than UNP at all, though. Smaller than UNPB, yes, but not UNP. Looking at the images on each of the mods' pages, UNP looks much smaller than CBBE, with smaller breasts, and waist and about the same size of hips.

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Thank you so much! I will look into it... I actually just found the CNHF-body mod before I saw your reply, and really liked what I saw... I'm going to try it out, and if it doesn't live up to my wishes I'll try the bodyslider... I did dabble in the Bodyslider before and made aaaaaall outfits look the way I wanted, but on some races it just didn't look good enough for me :P I'm difficult!!! I'll try things out.

Thank you again for your replies :3

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DIMONIZED UNP: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/?

The second most popular body replacer on the Nexus.


CBBE: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666/?

The most popular body replacer.


Corrected that for you. CBBE has never been off the top 10 mods in the Top Files (always ranging between rank 3 and 6), while UNP has always been near the bottom (21-not even there).


Also, Slim is the default shape for CBBE, and all the shapes have been updated several times over the years. Curvy is smaller than UNP in every way (before they were the same size, but UNP had a smaller waist).


UNP has more endorsements than CBBE.


I forgot about the CBBE bodies being called Slim and Curvy. I don't think curvy is smaller than UNP at all, though. Smaller than UNPB, yes, but not UNP. Looking at the images on each of the mods' pages, UNP looks much smaller than CBBE, with smaller breasts, and waist and about the same size of hips.



CBBE endorsements: 155,786.

UNP endorsements: 88,772.

CBBE has double the endorsements of UNP.


Curvy is smaller than UNP. Here's an old NSFW screenshot showing the v3.3-3.4c meshes were the same size as UNP, if you take into account the different breast shape/position and UNP's smaller waist. The v3.4d+ Curvy meshes are smaller than shown in that image, so...yeah. The screenshots on the CBBE mod page are outdated; you actually have to look at the meshes.


Thank you so much! I will look into it... I actually just found the CNHF-body mod before I saw your reply, and really liked what I saw... I'm going to try it out, and if it doesn't live up to my wishes I'll try the bodyslider... I did dabble in the Bodyslider before and made aaaaaall outfits look the way I wanted, but on some races it just didn't look good enough for me :tongue: I'm difficult!!! I'll try things out.

Thank you again for your replies :3


Glad you found something that may work for you.

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I used CBBE before and a muscle-mod with that, and it looked really good on my nord, but now I have just grown to be really annoyed with the extremely narrow and thin waist/belly, even for CBBE and some adjustments... For some reason my adjustments didn't show on the khajiit, and so I only played my nord-character for a long time... But I don't want it to prevent me from enjoying the whole game, so right now I just use vanilla, which is really thin without the curves :P (I'm really difficult to please... I'm sorry that you have to listen to all this complaining... But I'm just fed up, you know..?)... The hips are great with CBBE... The boobs alright too... But the friggin waist and belly is too small for my liking and, in my eyes, not realistic enough... I rather want an "ugly" bodymod than that pretty-witty sexy unrealistic nonsense.


I tried that other bodymod CNHF, but for some reason the outfits-mod makes the game crash two seconds after loading a game or starting a new one... .___. Meh!


I'm trying to use Bodyslide 2, and created a body that I like well enough, but I can't find the outfit meshes to adjust!!

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That sounds awesome, megageeklizzy

:D I am now using "Muscular women", and I like it... but still... The characters are too thin :P But the muscles are nice with the smoother version... But not ALL amors and clothes are converted, sadly :/ It's good enough until I figure something else out though!

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