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Crash on Exit


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Recent problem, previously, oblivion would not always close properly and I had to close it using task manager. This always worked until recently. When I open task manager, there are no other programs showing, just oblivion saying not responding. I attempt to end the program using task manager, to no avail. I have to restart my computer in order to get it to close. Any ideas? No problems with my computer other than this.


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It sounds like some process has gone into an infinite loop -- audio drivers are known to be subject to this. That's not to say that this is your problem, but it's a starting point. Before you go any further, try weOCPS and FastExit. You will need OBSE to use them.


If that doesn't help, can you force an exit by opening the console and typing:





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Thanks for the help. I still have a problem, but when I use player.disable, I still have to use task manager to completely close, but I don't have to actually reboot to close the program. I just change my settings to the default detected by oblivion but I haven't tested yet.


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There are some mods which have been associated with crashing on exit, and save game bloat might produce this result, as well. I know I tend to get more such crashes with long-established characters than with new ones, but it still happens to me occasionally, anyway.


Have you tried the "qqq" console command. That's probably the fastest and safest method of quick-quitting, but you won't get your .ini saved if you do this, so you'll have to save that separately if you've made any in-game changes which might have altered it. Just use "saveini" to do this. You could tie these together in a batch file:


  • saveini


Save that, with or without a .txt suffix (it really doesn't matter), in your Oblivion folder and call it from the console using the bat command, like "bat exit".

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I changed to the default settings, medium(detected by the game when my video card not recognized) and exited without problem.


Then it sounds like your graphics card was choked on the higher settings, freezing up when trying to clean up on exit.

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look at reducing some of the effects in the video options in the game, distant trees, grass distance, actor fade, tree face, shadows, there are things in game that really don't help the game play that you might reduce or remove to make the game more stable. Reducing grass distance can really helps since your growing the grass every time you move the character.
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