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Minor Annoyance


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MadMike710, try examining the HTML by using your browser's "view source" feature, whatever it might be called for the browser you're using, and see if there should be a space that, for whatever reason, isn't being rendered for you. If so, that would, as ub3rman123 suggested, indicate a configuration issue with your browser's rendering engine.
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Well I'm using Google Chrome 9.0.597.98 and my resolution is 1280 x 800, no panes open. Just like normal.

I'm seeing this when I inspect in Chrome:



I put a red box around the important part on the left " by" whereas it should be " by ", right?


Edit/update: When I press Ctrl+F5 it's fixed. Strange. Why that little error though? Why not something else?

Edited by MadMike710
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I use FireFox and have never seen the missing space there (and yes, it would have bugged me too). I am guessing that Chrome is the problem. I tried that browser some time ago and gave up on it. Outta-the-box, Chrome and Opera did not play well at all with dynamic sites such as the Nexus. They tended to cache contents of the page that should not be cached such as the login status and such. I would login and BE logged in, yet I would still see the "login" link at the top instead of the "logout" link even after refreshing the page. I had to dump the cache for it to actually refresh properly...thus eliminating their "fast" effect. I have grouped those two browsers into the "good for static HTML pages only" kinds of browsers. They might have options you can flip to correct various issues but why should I recommend a browser to people that don't work outta-the-box and have to create "How To" articles on what you need to do to your browser to make it work right?


Wow, did I really type that much? /over



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I use FireFox and have never seen the missing space there (and yes, it would have bugged me too). I am guessing that Chrome is the problem. I tried that browser some time ago and gave up on it. Outta-the-box, Chrome and Opera did not play well at all with dynamic sites such as the Nexus. They tended to cache contents of the page that should not be cached such as the login status and such. I would login and BE logged in, yet I would still see the "login" link at the top instead of the "logout" link even after refreshing the page. I had to dump the cache for it to actually refresh properly...thus eliminating their "fast" effect. I have grouped those two browsers into the "good for static HTML pages only" kinds of browsers. They might have options you can flip to correct various issues but why should I recommend a browser to people that don't work outta-the-box and have to create "How To" articles on what you need to do to your browser to make it work right?


Wow, did I really type that much? /over



Opera has always worked perfectly with the nexus. The only issue I had was when I was uploading a file, the "MARK AS ADULT ONLY" js wouldn't go away.

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I don't know if this is a help or a hindrance, but...


...I'm using Google Chrome and I see the appropriate spaces between the title, the "by" and the name...


...on a 16:9 monitor set at 1360x768.


With this browser I've also uploaded and downloaded from the site with no issues, as well as posting and PM-ing.


It's Chrome v9.0.597.98 on Windows 7.

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