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If you had a nickel (CTD On Bootup)


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Debriefing is down there somewhere.


if you want to read the mess



So let me just get this out the way now;

My Skyrim is a glasshouse in tornado alley.


That being said this was bound to happen at some point, i have over 345 active mods with 257 ESP.'s with everything TES5-Cleaned-Merged and Wrye-Bashed along with some adderall induced late night sessions of Script-Scalpeling. Ive managed to keep this leaking ship afloat for a year or so now on the same save with a few intense troubleshooting binges...... however ive come to an impasse.

Any mod being added or subtracted either [A]-Causes a CTD on SKSE load or -Makes Skyrim go full retard while i load a save and end up getting bombarded with quest scripts while my character stands naked in some random location. (Respectively) Its a very horrifying experience let me tell you.


If i leave my game alone it runs fine with a occasional CTD when loading a outdoor cell or something, nothing major or game breaking. As soon as i add any mod be it a simple armor mesh replacer or something intensive like a mechanic change i get a Boot-CTD, ANYTHING AT ALL.


If i have to CleanSlate to keep modding then thats fine but i have come to this glorious community to get some answers as to what this could possibly be because for me having modded this game for over 3 years now i have never come to a wall like this.

I have the latest version of LOOT, WRYE, TES5, SKSE, FNIS and MOD ORGANIZER.


Also not going to post a load order because my skyrim is a place of Evil and Debauchery, ill give necessary information as requested. Think of this as more of a game for the community, a puzzle if you will so have at it boys no rush.


Edited by Sk1alpha
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257.esp plugins? Does that include your .esm master files too? Regardless if it does or does not, that's a lot of plugins. The "estimated" plugin limit for skyrim is around 255 but that's not a hard number where going over will cause horrific problems. Still, by having that many plugins there's a good chance that the game is just trying to load more than it can handle. Especially if you have script heavy mods, those will strain your game much more than many other mods, particularly those script heavy mods of the debaucherous manner, they usually put serious strain on the game.


It's possible that you've reached a strange stable point with your mods where it works (for the most part) as long as you don't touch anything.

If you haven't yet, I'd create 1-2 new profiles in MO and begin testing mods out one at a time and see if it's simply the sheer number of mods that's causing the problem, or a possible critical conflict resulting in CTD.

I'd also recommend have 2 separate profiles for different types of play-throughs but if you really want the serious straining script heavy mods with the straining ones, I'd only include the ones you can't live without.

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257.esp plugins? Does that include your .esm master files too? Regardless if it does or does not, that's a lot of plugins. The "estimated" plugin limit for skyrim is around 255 but that's not a hard number where going over will cause horrific problems. Still, by having that many plugins there's a good chance that the game is just trying to load more than it can handle. Especially if you have script heavy mods, those will strain your game much more than many other mods, particularly those script heavy mods of the debaucherous manner, they usually put serious strain on the game.


It's possible that you've reached a strange stable point with your mods where it works (for the most part) as long as you don't touch anything.

If you haven't yet, I'd create 1-2 new profiles in MO and begin testing mods out one at a time and see if it's simply the sheer number of mods that's causing the problem, or a possible critical conflict resulting in CTD.

I'd also recommend have 2 separate profiles for different types of play-throughs but if you really want the serious straining script heavy mods with the straining ones, I'd only include the ones you can't live without.

Ive been thinking that and i thought that there was a 255 hard limit on mods due to some math magic involving something to do with a 32bit architecture so im working on merging simple mods now but im having some issues with getting TES5Edit to load the merge script (If anyone can help with that one id be thankful).


What baffles me isnt the fact that my papyrus implodes but rather the fact that removing any mod regardless of weight or significance cause CTD right after the Bethesda logo. Its a miracle that my save made it this far and im in the process of making a clean-slate and rolling back mod by mod until i hit a bump but the concept of this is what im trying to investigate. To see if anyone has a textbook explanation as to why other than "You have to much S*** going on" which is apparent. I spend more time modding the game than i do actually playing because honestly thats the fun part; breaking it and fixing it over and over.

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Well, uninstalling any mod mid-playthrough and loading a save where that mod was installed is of course, never ever a good idea.


You say removing any mod causes CTD on start up, and usually that's because of missing master files but it can because of other reasons, but have you tried running LOOT or TES5Edit to see if they come back with any errors after un-installing one mod but before launching the game?


As far as script merging, I've only merged the easy thing in TES5Edit: leveled item, packages, actor containers, etc. I have no experience with merging scripts so I can't help you at all with that, sorry.

I want to say I saw a post from Sharlikran at some point in the past talking about script merging, but I can't remember for sure.


I know you're tired of people telling you you've got too many mods, but I'm afraid that you truly have reached the very max amount that skyrim can handle.

Skyrim seems to have a mind of its own sometimes, and it's as if you're tightrope walking and even the slightest shift in weight to either side will cause you to fall. But, as long as nothing changes, you can keep going and not fall.


I still recommend creating 1-2 new profiles in MO, you could copy your current 257 .esp profile into a new one and remove 1 or even 5-10 mods and then start a new game a see what happens.

I don't need to tell you this as I'm sure you already know from experience, getting lots of mods to work together is usually a trial and error experience and the only way to make things work, is to keep trying.

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Thanks for the feedback, ive been merging and script cleaning the past couple evenings and its apparent that i had reached the ceiling as far as mods go. The script stroke was cause by (something to do with) wryebash.
I merged a buttload of like mods with TES5Merge script and Re-Wryebashed, its stable as far as im concerned. The lesson i take home from this is that i should have been making my own damn game this whole time instead of modding skyrim.

Mods over 255 limit, bash was not properly done, orphan-scripts freaking everywhere and enough general bloat that im surprised my desktop hasnt fallen through the earths crust HOWEVER the nines have blessed me i have managed to get it stable again and im not precisely sure how.

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Thanks for the feedback, ive been merging and script cleaning the past couple evenings and its apparent that i had reached the ceiling as far as mods go. The script stroke was cause by (something to do with) wryebash.

I merged a buttload of like mods with TES5Merge script and Re-Wryebashed, its stable as far as im concerned. The lesson i take home from this is that i should have been making my own damn game this whole time instead of modding skyrim.



Mods over 255 limit, bash was not properly done, orphan-scripts freaking everywhere and enough general bloat that im surprised my desktop hasnt fallen through the earths crust HOWEVER the nines have blessed me i have managed to get it stable again and im not precisely sure how.


Wow, nice job. You catch on fast. Congrats and kudos.

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