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Mod Organizer not running mods


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Ok, I get the same message for a few other .exe files that I run through MO. If there is any kind of user access control (permissions) for the application, MO is going to prompt you with that message.


It's basically telling you that the application you're trying to run has user access control (UAC) restrictions. (when you open an application and get the message box, "are you sure you want to run/allow access" and the screen is locked until you say yes, no, or close it) <---The little shield symbol in the bottom right hand corner of the application icon signifies UAC.


If you trust the application, click yes to let it launch. If you haven't tried yet, close MO and open it as admin and then try to launch SKSE to see if the message box still comes up.


Edit: If you're not comfortable doing that, find the application, skse_loader.exe, and give adequate permissions for users so that way you can run skse without needed to be prompted for admin rights.

Edited by cloudedtruth
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Okay, new problem. I'm getting frustrated.


Suddenly it seems all my mods except OneTweak are working again, but now it won't launch SKSE. As in, I tell MO to launch SKSE, and it launches Skyrim. I tried starting a new game to test and got like 5000 alerts from all my mods saying "SKSE isn't installed! This mod won't work correctly!"


How... what... why....


EDIT: Oh never mind lol. The SKSE launcher through MO was pointing at TESV.exe, not SKSE itself. Fixed.


I think that's all my problems solved now... gah that was a nightmare. Thanks for your help though!

Edited by nalathequeen2186
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