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How do I make it so I can make a dismissed companion idle in a spot when dismissed


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How do I make it so when I dismiss a companion they go to an area and stay idle in that area in a specific interior whenever they are dismissed?


Like with the Underwater Home mod with its companion room add-on and when companions are dismissed there they stay in there specific rooms and have a sort of idle animation and they don't deviate from that room.

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If you want them to stay in a particular room, you can give them an AI package that is triggered when they are dismissed that is a sandbox package with a location of a marker that you put in the center of the room, and a distance that will keep them inside the room. Make sure you put some idle furnitures (a chair, a wall marker, maybe a sit marker somewhere, etc) in the room so that they'll have something to sandbox to.


For the benefit of anyone else coming in to look at this, if you don't want to restrict them to a specific room, you can have the sandbox location be a specific cell instead.

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