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Distant LOD weird color blobs under certain camera angles


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I recently re-installed Oblivion, pimped it out with few mods and all runs surprisingly well with no CTD's (so far) but i have this one strange issue where distand land under certain amera angle turns to a bright glowy blob of most often red or green or purple color.


please see this image as its kinda hard to explain :)

green glowy blob of wtf


on the image the green blob is where castle wall should be and which is indeed there and visible had i moved my mouse a bit. point is it's driving me crazy, i tried recreating distand lod with tes4lodgen, deactivang, deactivating and reactivating all distant lod related mods in obmm (RAEVWD), rebuilding my bashed patch -- yet the issue still persist.


if anyone perhaps encountered similar "feature" and found a solution i;d be most grateful


attached is a txt file with my mod load order.

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I had that same problem, and I think it's related to video cards or video drivers. Upgrading my drivers did nothing.


I found I could get rid of it by turning off both bloom lighting and HDR. I sometimes get instances where reflections in the water of LOD objects turn black or red, but so far no glowing LOD objects or blobs.


It also sped up performance. Hope it helps! :thumbsup:

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Another common cause of this error is having the following setting set to high,...


Setting that over 4500, give or take a few hundred, will cause those color blobs to appear. It seems to vary somewhat for different users on what exact number causes this issue. I suppose it could be hardware related, but lowering the number will definitely rid you of the problem. There is no reason to disable HDR or Bloom to rectify this error.

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  • 3 months later...

I get this same problem (i have reduced and optimized distant land textures and meshes) modded in. My oblivion flightLOD is 1500 per the recommended default. Using Geforce 8600 GT with latest drivers as of 6/15/2011


i really don't want to disable HDR (since i'm using TES4LODGEN) hoping that I can avoid that mess... (generating LOD stuff in TES construction set is just way to crazy for me)


honestly ive used this card in an older computer (single core) and had better results... so it seems odd that its the card causing it. First time I encountered the issue.

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