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An NPC died unexpectedly.


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Jira died...unexpectedly.


Funny, night just fell in the Imperial market district and shops were closing. I was about to go out of the city, when I found a dead female Khajiit lying on the sidewalk. No one was there. I didn't see anyone kill her, nor did I see her fall from the 2nd floor of the district.


Then, another NPC and an NPC guard walks by...not caring about Jira. I thought that that was quite...unrealistic and broke the immersion of the game. I was hoping that I would have to explain to the guard why Jira was dead and I was the only one, that I would become the primary suspect.


But he just walked by as if Jira was just a sack.


Limitations of the game?

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yeah it is unrealistic like lots of stuff in game but specifically guard behavior. Unfortunately no mods out there to make more guard behavior realistic but we can hope that new elder scrolls will have such a thing.


Eh, well Bethesda should put in a better AI then.

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Occasionally after I've given an NPC my 'A Deadman's Hood' they'll drop dead right in front of a guard. It's hilarious when the guard bends over and checks the body and says "Hmm the body's still warm, the killer must be close." Don't get it often, but it's good when I do.


Whether an NPC will check a body or not is determined by whether or not 'Can Corpse Check' is ticked on their properties page. Not all are ... I agree it makes it more realistic.


Edit: I did a search on the UESP Wiki for 'Jira' and came up blank. There is a female Khajiit named S'jirra who is quest related and never leaves the Faregyl Inn. Is your Jira added to the IC by a mod? If so could be a case of 'scripted death'.

Edited by Striker879
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Ya I had this in my last game. For some odd reason the npc script behavior would go nuts after I installed some companion stuff. The people would not go through the eating script. As it is now they wait several days and then eat and eat usually 2 or 3 food items. So the destruction magic vendor guy in anvil mages guild just died. I rezzed him but he has been dead for while. It's caused no scripting problems though from him being dead for a while. I thought it was a companion spell caster that hangs out there accidently hitting him with a destruction spell while training. The companions go on bow shooting, sword swinging and spell casting rampages right before you level or after you level. Thought nothing of it and then I was in fighters guild in same city and talking to guild master when the dark elf athletic trainer screamed and died while sitting on the bench in the dining area.

Only serious bugs I have found with the companion stuff.

Edited by Nobody09
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I hadn't thought of the companion link myself but you're right. When they're not busy trashing a house with a big axe they love frying the NPCs I've added to the place. They'll only do it (as far as I know) while you're actually there, so I just 'resurrect 1' their kills after I'm done my business.


Note to self ... edit all 'homebody' CM Partners and give 'em zero for destruction, 100 for restoration (that'll teach 'em).

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This happened to me once before I cleaned out the mods in my Data folder:


I was returning from some mission in Anvil and walked into the inn, and while I was talking to Wilbur, he dropped dead. While I was talking! And he kept talking, too. When I exited the conversation, I looted his body and (I always drag bodies for fun) tried to drag him, but it did the weird melt/stretch thing, where you can grab their head and stretch it really far and their neck just stretches.

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When I was doing the quest for Glathir (for the 10 billionth time) I found Totius Sextius lying dead right outside the city walls for no apparent reason. Maybe Glathir was right and there really IS a conspiracy going on... O.o




While he might leave this world at the hands of either Glarthir or the player, he may also fall to his death when crossing the bridge to the castle.


*This issue has been addressed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch; The road pathing for Tamriel fixed the issue with NPCs who cross the castle bridge.



When in doubt on why they are dead be sure to read what UESP has to say about the character's usual habits/routine/tendencies.


I once tried to understand why a beggar died and it turned out I had to simply get to him and get him a cure before so many days passed, or he would die, and that there are several characters in the game who will either die of disease/illness or get killed if they just so happen to cross paths with the wrong NPC.


A lot of people can find a dead mage after they chargen and hang around where there are other people if they do not directly encounter him like they should (not sure if the mage is default Oblivion or expansion based). In my most recent file the mage appeared while I was testing an error today and he killed the fisherman before I could do the quest for scales to get the ring. (so I resurrected the fisherman)


Sometimes it really is just normal Oblivion... other times the scripts do get messed up from dirty mods.

Edited by ChaosApostle
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Occasionally after I've given an NPC my 'A Deadman's Hood' they'll drop dead right in front of a guard. It's hilarious when the guard bends over and checks the body and says "Hmm the body's still warm, the killer must be close." Don't get it often, but it's good when I do.


Whether an NPC will check a body or not is determined by whether or not 'Can Corpse Check' is ticked on their properties page. Not all are ... I agree it makes it more realistic.


Edit: I did a search on the UESP Wiki for 'Jira' and came up blank. There is a female Khajiit named S'jirra who is quest related and never leaves the Faregyl Inn. Is your Jira added to the IC by a mod? If so could be a case of 'scripted death'.


Jira owns a shop...that sells household wares I think, 2nd floor of Imperial City Market District.

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