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This Topic is getting really random now, But. I have the same problem with horses and NPCs. For example, there's a paint horse just outside the waterfront district gate, and whenever Guards come along they'd rather try to arrest me than protect someone from the wilderness... Edited by Lazilot
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That one is the Orum Gang's (from Cheydinhal). Oghash gra-Magul rides it from Cheydinhal up to the Talos Plaza District gate if you're following her (part of my 'Protector of all Cyrodiil' job description is escort duty 24/7/365). If she arrives while you're in the IC you'll sometimes see her riding it across the causeway onto the Waterfront. Sometimes she'll manage to ride it over the stairs and out to the area where the shacks are, sometimes abandons it by the pirate ship. Her destination is the locked barrel beside Myvryna Arano's shack (skooma business). The AI is faulty so her horse doesn't get parked by a stable unless your right there with her (fixed by the UOP if I'm not mistaken).


Ya ... I know ... I know waaay too much about the equestrian peculiarities of the Cyrodiilic population. Somebody's got to pick up all them apples (if you know what I mean). :tongue:

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That one is the Orum Gang's (from Cheydinhal). Oghash gra-Magul rides it from Cheydinhal up to the Talos Plaza District gate if you're following her (part of my 'Protector of all Cyrodiil' job description is escort duty 24/7/365). If she arrives while you're in the IC you'll sometimes see her riding it across the causeway onto the Waterfront. Sometimes she'll manage to ride it over the stairs and out to the area where the shacks are, sometimes abandons it by the pirate ship. Her destination is the locked barrel beside Myvryna Arano's shack (skooma business). The AI is faulty so her horse doesn't get parked by a stable unless your right there with her (fixed by the UOP if I'm not mistaken).


Ya ... I know ... I know waaay too much about the equestrian peculiarities of the Cyrodiilic population. Somebody's got to pick up all them apples (if you know what I mean). :tongue:

I actually saw an orc riding a horse near Methredehl's house, I assumed that it was some sort of glitch and was getting a little worried. Never saw it happen until a couple days ago after years of playing.

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Just another one of those 'special Oblivion moments'. The horse will sometimes get abandoned down there in the shacks (kinda' cool havin' a new 'face' hanging around) but invariably it gets teleported to Cheydinhal when Oghash needs it. Most of the time when I run into her headed for the IC she's riding, but occasionally things must glitch and her pony doesn't show up (it's never left in Cheydinhal for some reason, probably because it's not at the IC stables when she heads home). She walks about twice the speed of that paint. I much prefer escorting her when she's on foot for that reason (takes forever to get there on the horse). I've 'arranged' for the horse to have a little 'accident' a few times, hoping she's be on foot for the rest of the time, but no, it's another one of those 9,999 lives horses ... just keeps coming back for more abuse. I get lots of time to pick the pretty flowers while I'm escorting her anyway, in between when I have to give her backup. All part of the job.
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Jauffre and Burd (Bruma Captain of the Guard) were killed during the battle for bruma. They're very important NPCs. I saw them lying on the ground in front of the siege engine and expected them to rez. Burd did, but Jauffre didn't. Is this going to affect my game?

If you get into a 'man down' situation like that and decide you don't want to lose that NPC from the game you can use the console (activated by the tilde ~ key) and then click on them with your mouse. That will bring their refID to the top of the screen. Type 'resurrect 1' (without the quotes) and hit enter. Close the console (hit tilde again) and they'll stand up and look around like they just got up from a nice nap. You may need to enable the console in your Oblivion.ini file located in your My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder. It should open in Notepad when you double click it (if not open Notepad from the Start menu and then File - Open and navigate to the correct folder). Click Edit - Find and put 'bAllowConsole' without the quotes in the 'Find what' box. Click the Find Next button which will highlight the entry 'bAllowConsole'. Change the zero to a one after the equals and then save the file (or close and click Yes on the resulting dialog). Voila ... you may now join the Cyrodillic Order of Roving Paramedics. Welcome to the team.

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