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Any order shouldn't matter except that Supplemental should be after UOP, but BOSS is a great little executable that maintains the order of mods and self-updates every time when used. All mods won't be supported though, and these are usually obscure or equipment mods that modify little of the original game so where it is in the list has little chance of breaking anything.
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Aha! That sounds like the classic "Windows vista/7 default install path" bug. If you have Vista or 7, uninstall and reinstall in something like c:\Games\Oblivion. That stops the UAC in Vista and 7 making your life almost impossible by blocking access to the files for modification.
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What MarkinMKUK is talking about is your entire Oblivion installation. When you accept the default location when you install Oblivion for the first time it goes into either C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Obilivion (if you are running a 32bit installation of Windows Vista/7) or C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Obilivion if you are running the 64bit version of Windows Vista or Windows 7. Microsoft has a security feature called UAC (User Access Control) that protects programs that are installed in the Program Files directory (it doesn't allow them to be modified). When you first install Oblivion and don't try any mods UAC doesn't interfere. When you are trying to run mods on Oblivion you are trying to modify the program and UAC stops you cold. If instead, you install Oblivion to another directory, example C:\Games\Oblivion the Microsoft UAC doesn't try to interfere.


If you already have Oblivion installed in C:\Program Files (as well as BOSS and any other mods/utilities you've been trying) your only solution is to completely uninstall Oblivion and all your mods/utilities and then re-install everything in C:\Games\Oblivion or any directory you chose outside of the Program Files directory. One of the moderators here bben46 has an uninstallation/re-installation guide you can find here to step you through the process. Good luck, let us know how it works out (or ask for more assistance if needed).

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From the install instructions on the BOSS download page:

3. If using the archive version unzip the BOSS.zip to your ..\Oblivion\Data folder, so that BOSS.exe is in the same folder as your mods.

I would say, regardless of whether you used the installer method to install or unzipped the archive and copied method, your BOSS.exe file should be in the Oblivion\Data directory after you go through your re-install of Oblivion.

Edited by Striker879
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Well, I done running BOSS by switch off my UAC. But after ran, it just show me a log, then on the most bottom there wrote "Done.", just like that? Actually I don't understand what BOSS do for my Oblivion. Can someone do some simple explanation? Thanks!


Not because I lazy to read that description, because there is something I don't know, like what FCOM and many more.

Edited by ahmun
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Turning your UAC off as a TEMPORARY measure is OK but it's best to NOT be connected to the internet at the time. Make sure you turn UAC back on when you're finished. It is an important part of your protection from all the bad stuff on the internet.
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