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Xbox 360, PS3, Computer


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Actually I think the 360 is better than the PS3, but thats because it has 1. Halo on it and 2. the gamer points thing so I can rub it in my friends' faces how awesome I am ;D Of course, you can do that on the PS3 too (trophies) but then I have to make them look through all of them.

There's trophy levels. Achivements/Trophies always bothered me anyways, I was always OCD for platinums. Steam has this too.

Halo is just another generic FPS as far as I'm concerned. The 360 had better exclusives up until 2008/2009.

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I changed my 360 to ps3 because it had more games i wanted, i'm not saying that xbox is bad but i just LOATHE first person shooters on consoles.. Yes PS3 has them too but it had much less when i got it. This maybe stupid but those type of games are for pc, adventure, rpg, hack n slash and whatnot works better in consoles and fps are for PC.

I don't give a crap who thinks what is better and yadda yadda, i don't listen idiots who just say "Oooh you got PS3?! What about halo dude?" What? I NEVER liked halo and yes i played 1 and 3 (i missed second).




PC is not comparable.


edit: who cares about gamerscore and achievements really?

Edited by Mahtawa
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Agreed. it's all personal preference, really. For me, The only games I buy on PC are those that are either moddable (Oblivion, DA:O, Minecraft etc) MMOs, or have a clear advantage over the console version(s) (DA:O could Zoom out on PC, console versions couldn't) other than that, I usually get a game for a console.



Although if it's any consolation, I haven't touched my PS3 or 360 in a while simply because of 4 moddable games I have on PC. (or rather "had" before my computer died) And of course, WoW. good ol' WoW. :P





PC is not comparable.


edit: who cares about gamerscore and achievements really?



Edited by Zenchii
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  • 4 weeks later...
I have both systems, and I use the Xbox 360 because that's what my friends have and I play Xbox Live with them. I honestly could not care because both consoles are very similar. I prefer PC to both of them however.
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I haven't read any comments, but I do want to say this:


I am with you. The human race can be summed up into these words:

1: Need

2: Greed

3: Feed

4: Bleed

5: Power - control, "better, gooder, awesomer, ego."


At least, in this particular instance. We need things, but never really know what it is we need. We just know we need, and so that leads to greed. Greed leads to hunger of others, watching a man in a trapped room of two eat a dinner for four, as the other is chained to the wall, starving. Bleed and power should actually be reversed, because it is with the power over others that we "need" to make others bleed in order to stay in greedy power.



But when it comes right down to it, the one word that can be described by so many. Our "prime directive" if you will. The one thing that can never be eliminated from a human mind, no matter what. In terms relative of a computer, if our brain was a harddrive, the one piece of code that is permanent and defines the underlying purpose of that machine:



We are insane, out of control, egotistical, control-influenced power-drunk murderers. Insanity is our core, murder is our very objective in life.


In truth, we need war. War allowed the dominated to be greedy. It fills up their little greedy purses so they can stuff their mouths and feed all day long, allowing those in power to stay in power, by murdering those they have no power over, and greedily plundering their lands for our own.


But it is much more than that as well. We are out of control. In a different sense, that is. Our population is skyrocketing. Modern medicine allowed normal population controls to be bypassed. Scientific advances allow us to know every single molecule we are putting into our bodies. There is very little danger in the lives of those near this modernization. Drinkable water always just a wrist-twist or thumb-press away. CLEAN water. We can't even let God or whoever anybody believes or whatever the case to kill us with a falling building or an exploding airplane. No, we have to find way to live through that too. Our greedy, murderous need to have power over everything forces us to have power over life and death itself. Our planet is filling up. Soon we will be shoulder to shoulder, and it is those greedy ones in power who will be brought down with the very hammer they ruled with, and the stupid sheep of the world, kept blind by the power over them, will have no idea what to do and will eat the remaining supplies of food faster and faster until we are doomed to cannibalism wide-spread. After that, we will no longer need population control, because all our modernized ways of escaping death will crash to the bottom of the sea, disease, undercooked kidneys, and even simple, curable plagues like the Black Death will be our end. It will be a quick process, and if just one single plague seizes the perfect opportunity, then it will be that one single entity of death that is our ultimate in-doer.


Our prime directive was instilled in us since our creation. Without it, we will surely die of soon. Because we are too brilliant a people to understand just how stupid we really are. War, murder, insanity.... These things we can not do without, because our race will never allow themselves to do without the unnecessary, and with the unnecessary is our eventual end without a continual, mass population control. If we still had casualties like in WWII, we would still be a proud people. Modernization has allowed even our fail-safe way of death to be cheated. Fewer and fewer are dying, and soon there will be too few, and then too many to stop it. We can only hope we learn before using our nukes. Unfortunately, however, we will not. There is one thing that we can learn. If not population control, then maybe at least we won't nuke our entire planet to death. We have, in just america's arsenal alone, enough power to kill every man woman and child several times over in this world. Out of the thousands and thousands of nukes held in the world, all but two hundred are held by USA and Russia.


I don't mean to sound cynical or morbid, although I am and this is, and I hope nobody looks at me with evil eyes about this, and PLEASE take this next topic VERY SERIOUSLY. If there is even one tiny trollish child remark I will delete it, but I'm hoping the readers are mature enough to understand what I mean by this and there will be no debate over its mentioning.


If the world does not learn their mistakes quick, appreciates their own stupidity, and understands that greed and need are two different things, then we will eventually ALL be forced to adopt China's one child policy. Look at China! I know many people consider it an "evil, devilish" policy, but look at how many freakin people they have. With modernization and our total goal of cheating death and trying to immortalize ourselves, imagine a China that never had such a policy?! A Chinese woman would give birth and push a guy out of the way for the new baby, causing a chain reaction forcing the last guy in line to stop over the border and be shot by some rival hating neighbor.


And to the people who say "Gone with war!" Imagine a world that never had war. Every single person who ever died in the thousands and thousands of years since cavemen (what? You think they didn't clan-war it themselves playing Capture the Flag with a stick on fire? Where you think we get that game?) in a war survived, had children, possibly 2, 3, 5, 8 in some cases! Those children had multitudes of children, and etc. If that were so all of our modernization would go to making the bottom of the sea inhabitable. We need war. We need murder. We need insanity. Without these fail-safes, no matter how trimmed they are today, we are doomed. Wishing for world peace is the most ignorant thing on earth, because it is the most evil wish upon our race, that of which the devil himself encourages, because it would be the absolute ultimate demise.


Now, people can definitely stop being petty, and make relevant wars and then we might feel a little better. We could sure use another Hitler, and by that I mean a person who causes a war that's not so damned petty. In that war, it wasn't a war over religion. Not over oil, and barely over politics. That guy was ONLY his prime directive, and he was in power. People felt closer together at home knowing their loved ones fought for something meaningful. There was no question in anyone's mind who wasn't a traitor or spy, we needed to stop that person. There were no thousands of people striking against eachother, calling their neighbors pigs and devil worshipers for supporting the CHILDREN who fight for their right to even complain about it. I tell you. It's a lot better to support those kids out there, facing untold dangers for our selfish asses, no matter what country*, because those kids are fighting for their citizens. They are dying, willingly, sacrificing themselves for the freedoms of their kin, for the survival of their people, and for the rights to be proud of it. Unfortunately, they are fighting other children, doing the exact same thing.


There are no evil armies. There are certainly evil and wrong soldiers, but we are a fallible people. But an army itself is not an evil thing, no matter how many evils they blindly carry out, for that army is ignorant to their wrongdoings, and embraces and knows only the valorous, selfless and right things. You may take the Nazi's for example. They were not an evil people. Sure were gullible as hell, but not an evil people. They were lead blindly by evil people, evil people who purposely searched for the fallible evils in the world and had them do the only true, nonquestionable evils of murder, massacre, and horrors. 99% of those under the Nazi flag believed in brotherhood, love, kindness. Most who spoke word one against doing a single thing they were told either were shot, or their families shot. And every single person who has a good family understands that a perfectly good and reasonable human being can reach into their prime directive and massacre thousands in order to save their family. To most, no one, no COUNTRY is more important than those very few. Another, unfortunately, terrible thing that is going to help our undoing. As beautiful as it is, even though have but one person in my family I'd murder any multitudes of people to save, we are too ignorant, too blind to understand how to have such a wonderful thing without being taken in by it and brainwashed to be stupid. I do not mean just the government, by the way, when I say brainwash.


I would write more, I had more to say, but I need to get going. This keyboard is annoying. Some keys barely press, so I end up backspacing a whole sentence to correct one untyped letter I know I pressed twenty times! ( I type too fast, WAY TOO FAST, to catch it right after I make the mistake, so I do have to backspace a lot. Even if I catch it, my hands are still going after my brain says stop. )


So, for me to be absolutely succinct which is probably what I should have done,


I side with the PS3 idiots wanting to make a war over who is the most greedy jackass. Although I do wish the reason for war were more relevant.



I do not side with the Nazi's, I am not a communist because I said China's policy is an unfortunate necessity, and soon requirement world-wide. I am a person who thinks outside the box, and much deeper in than most look. I take in the whole picture, not just the political believes surrounded by a highly controversial subject. To those who know me, this is no problem. They understand this. I am a neutral in the world making observations from extremely recognizable instances which provoke the correct emotion to understand the severity and magnitude of the opinions I express, to which I totally accept any and all mature criticism for, and past the point of you reading it seriously don't care if you side with me or not. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want. I put my belief out there for those who have a similar believe but don't know how to word it. Hopefully this will catch you, and also hopefully it was constructive towards the initial subject of the OP. Again, I didn't read any other comments.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



PS: Should anybody have ugly words to say to me regarding their beliefs about mine, send it in a PM with the subject title being Ugly Words. You may PRIVATELY rant your trollings to me in one post, to which I will not report unless certain things such as piracy or other nexus rules that don't apply to how people treat me personally aren't discovered in that post. You may tell me in that pm whether you care for a reply or not. I will always but always reply respectfully, and in a way that needs no more discussion. My reply will basically be a nice way of saying "Now that it's off your chest, whatever it was, I wish you well and good bye." I will not respond to what is in your letter. But I will read it, as you have shown me the respect of reading this far for me.

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