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Creation Kit Issues - Objects Disappear


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I've been using the Creation Kit a lot to make ruins for my mod. While the actual work isn't very hard, I'm starting to get really aggravated by the fact that objects disappear. I don't know what causes it. It seems like they usually disappear when they are out of view, and then they don't become visible again unless I exit the Creation Kit and reopen it. The objects that this is happening with are all statics, mostly from the dungeon category. When an object disappears, other objects from the same base object aren't necessarily affected. If I click where it is supposed to be, the box around it shows up. The objects don't actually go away, I just can't see them. Double clicking on an affected object makes it appear, but only while the reference window is open. I'm getting really annoyed about having to restart the Creation Kit every few minutes to be able to see what I'm doing, and I can't find anything about the issue online. Please help me if you can. Thanks for your time.

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That worked. Thank you very much.

You can also right click in the render window, select properties, click the MISC tab and change the grids to load to a higher odd number. I usually set mine to 15 for most editing of a world space, but depending on your rig you can go higher. Just makes it a little easier than refreshing the render window every time you move to another cell on the grid when working with landscape or adding statics.

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