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Can't use any mods, access is denied?


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So basically when ever I try to move a mod to my (Computer-(C:)-Program files (86X)- Bethesda Softworks-Oblivion) It shows this


I am on the main administrator account so i have no idea why its not working. Oh and its not just that mod it;s every mod i try it with. The Oblivion Mod Manager doesn't work either like it shows up on my Data Files from the Oblivion launcher i checked and activated through Oblivion Mod Manager but when i go in game no mods work.

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Looks like a case of UAC getting in your way. When Oblivion is installed to the default location on Win7/Vista machines the Microsoft User Access Control stops changes from being made to programs installed in the Program Files directory or as in your case the Program Files (x86) directory. You will need to uninstall the game and then re-install it in a directory outside of Program Files or Program Files (x86). One of the moderators here bben46 has a guide for correctly doing this here.
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