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It's Raining Stupid!


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I'm interested in a mod that would have NPCs seek out their homes, an inn, or tavern when it's raining. I think it should exclude guards and beggars, and just apply to cities. This would really increase immersion since having a crowded marketplace during a hurricane doesn't seem right. How possible would this be? I've been poking around the CS and I'm going to try to take a swing at this myself but if one of the modding jedi can bang it out in an afternoon that would be even better.
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In the CS you can set the NPC's AI to check if it's raining. My extra 'house guests' are scheduled to read outside if it's not raining, if it is they just wander inside on their default AI package. There is also an option for if the weather is pleasant, but they wouldn't go outside unless it was a gorgeous sunny day.


Here's a complete list of the Condition Functions available in the CS AI editor found in the Construction Set Wiki.

Edited by Striker879
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Might want to look inside the Cats and Rats mod too. The cats huddle in doorways to get out of the rain.


Personality Idles4 makes the NPCs (and your character) huddle over as if chilled in rainy weather. It does throw a whole bunch of poses into your inventory. If you're using other idles mods, you'd have to Bash them together.

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